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Lance, Matt, and Team Hannah and Seth, talked with their campers about what closing campfires was and that it was their way of saying goodbye. The boys looked saddened. It had been a great and crazy summer.

Each boy picked up a stick to put in the fire and had a minute to decide what they wanted to say. Luke, the camper with Autism, stayed close to Lance.

As they walked up to the campfire, the Shape Pack counselors had their kids file in and pay attention to the skits and songs. They were rewarded with lanyards and pins and kind words from their counselors.

For every camper, a stick was placed in the pit until it was a blazing fire. 

Charlie came up and placed a tiny twig into the pit. "I just wanted to say, I lost three teeth this summer and got money from the toothfairy exactly zero times. Either the toothfairy isn't real or my counselors aren't paid enough. This economy, man- we need to tax the rich. Thank you." He said, bowing and walking away.

"Amen." Keith muttered to Lance.

Keith finally came up.

"I just wanted to thank hashtag Shallura for a great summer." Keith said, looking at Shiro and Allura who were holding hands. She smiled and shook her head. Keith continued. "Lance, I liked getting dirty with you... and clean. Thanks for not trying to die this summer."

Lance nodded.

He said good things about his campers and tossed his stick in.

"Boys, go ahead and pack up everything except your toothbrushes and clothes for tomorrow so we can get breakfast and then have some free time before the bus comes." Lance said.

Luke was holding onto Lance's arm. He felt comfortable around Lance, and he didn't mind. Lance looked down. "Hey Luke, can you go pack up for me?"

He nodded and pulled out a suitcase from under the bed.

The boys took showers and got ready for bed. Lance was checking his phone. He got a message.

"I'm outside your window."

It was Keith.

"NGL kinda creepy." Lance responded.

He could hear Keith scoff. Lance grinned and sat up. He opened his window a crack and saw that the screen had been popped off and set against the cabin. Obviously Keith wanted his to sneak out and so he lifted the large window all the way up and slipped out. 

Keith had the flashlight on his phone and took Lance's hand. They walked together through the woods off-trail, taking the most direct path to the boardwalk; a lieral boardwalk that stretched over a cattail field. The stars were out and so were mosquitos but Lance didn't worry.

Keith sat down across from Lance. He had lit a citronella candle to keep the bugs away and provide soft light over Lance's face. They rested their heads on the boards and watched the stars. They faced opposite directions but their heads were next to eachother.

Keith pointed up. "That's Orion."

"That's a plane." Lance said, also pointing.

Keith rested his hands on his chest and laughed. "So we made it another year."

"Yep. Another year."

Lance shut his eyes. Keith sighed.

It was somewhere near dawn when the boys realized that they had fallen asleep. It was a cool morning and the sounds of the frogs in the cattails were loud- morning was coming.

Lance laughed. The candle went out and so he had some bug bites on his legs but they weren't bad.

"Dude- my campers."

Keith helped him up. "Hunk took over. I sent him a text last night."

"Well I should probably sneak back over." Lance said.

He kissed Keith and then rubbed his eyes and yawned before making the trek through the woods.

The sun came up and Lance relieved Hunk, whom he thanked immensely.

The kids got ready and then went to get breakfast. As they were walking to the dining hall, busses were already lined up and staff members were checking paperwork on clipboards.

Saying goodbye was difficult but Lance stayed lighthearted and goofy with the kids until he waved them off past the bus windows.

"We're free." Keith said, putting a hand of Lance's shoulder. "Let's get packing. Say our goodbyes. Get back to our parents 300 miles away." He sighed.

It was a long goodbye. They spent several hours cleaning up the camp and then going out to eat before a long drive home. The boys weren't sad though- they loudly sang Kesha songs in the car. There would always be next year.

Keith pulled into Lance's driveway close to midnight. "It's such a perfect night-"

"It doesn't feel quite right-"

"-That this should be my last with you."

Lance kissed his boyfriend's cheek. "I love you."

"I love you more."


And SCENE. Thank you all for reading Camp Voltron 2 and even more thanks if you read the first one or Camp Voltron: Back to School.

This CONCLUDES the Camp Voltron Universe. Thank you again for staying with me through these journeys through years or even just a few days of binge-reading. 

I read EVERY comment that I can. Let me know what you all have thought. I love you all so so much.

<3 CSP

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