Meet Me in the Boathouse...

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Lance looked down at his pool noodle and laughed. Nice dick joke, Keith. Lance turned to Keith.

"After campfire... I have a break..."

"Meet me in the boathouse."

Lance returned to his group of campers. One boy, Luke, was homesick. He was the youngest, only 11 and it was his first time at camp. He had been on and off crying but seemed to be coping better now. Beside just being quiet, he was incredibly shy. Lance tried to pull him out of his shell. To everyone's surprise, Luke was a good leader, talking his team through the challenges in the challenge course. Now Luke was holding on to the bottom of Lance's shirt, hiding away from the other boys who were wrestling and rolling down the grassy hill of the games field.

"Okay!" Lance shouted. "Diamond Pack! We're going to campfire!"

Luke hung around behind Lance. Keith found it adorable, Lance being sweet and gentle. As much of an ass-hat he could be, Lance was a good guy. Keith felt his cheeks burning.

The whole camp made their way to the campfire. Lance led his kids to the benches and sat down, Luke right beside him. Lance put his arm around the boy and picked up a song book.

Being on support staff, Keith was one of the actors in the camp skits. Luckily for Lance, he was sitting far away from any buckets of water this time. He watched Keith, grinning as he acted out stupid roles and they sang songs. When it finally got dark, Lance led his pack back with a small flashlight he kept in the pocket of his shorts along with a pocket knife and lighter. The boys were tired, and walked obediently back to their cabin before taking their showers and getting ready for bed. Lance handed out glow sticks to each kid. He was about ready to have Hunk come sub in for him while he took his hour break. As he walked out the door, he turned around to see all of the kids shining their flashlights around and talking.

"Y'all better be asleep by the time I come back here."

"Wait! Where are you going?" It was Luke.

"On break. I'll be back."

Luke jumped up from his bottom bunk and rushed over to Lance, hugging him around his waist. Lance smoothed back the boy's hair. "Get some sleep, okay?" He asked. Luke nodded. Cute.

With that, Lance took out his flashlight and walked down to the lake to meet Keith in the boathouse.

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