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Lance's alarm was going off but he slept through it until Hannah came in and smothered him under his pillow. He woke up and fought his way out from under.

"Are you trying to kill me?" Lance asked.

Hannah smirked. "It woke you up. Seriously-" She said to Lance. "You need a new alarm clock."

Keith groaned. He was sore from sleeping on a twin sized mattress with Lance, fitting together like tan-grams. "Is it morning already?"

"Yep." Hannah said. "And I don't like being late."

They walked out of the cabin. Lance's kids were ready to eat after a good night's sleep. He got up and put on a shirt and cargo shorts, sticking his pocketknife in the lower pocket.

"'kay kids, let's go."

Hannah and Seth were out in the common area with their kids. Several of them were talking to Hannah, who looked like they wanted to die. Matt joined and the groups walked up to the dining hall.

"Guess how many teeth I've lost!" Charlie said to Hannah.

"I don't really care." She frowned. She didn't like children.

"Three." He beamed.

Breakfast went by quickly and after they washed the table and put the dishes away, Diamond Pack, Circle Pack and Star Pack (Matt's group) walked down to the main lodge where Keith had set up several tables.

"Welcome to Nature!" He greeted. His hair was up in a ponytail, which didn't not make Lance feel hot. Keith watched the kids take a seat. "Do you know what we're doing today?" He asked. The kids shook their heads. "We're dissecting owl pellets."

Mark raised his hand. He had a sizable bruise on his knee from jumping across the bunk beds and falling off. "What are owl pellets?" He asked.

Hannah, Seth, Lance, and Matt were passing out little grey pellets, the size of a thumb. 

"Actually..." Keith smirked. "It's what owls throw up."

"Jesus Christ!" Hannah cursed dropping the plastic bag.

The kids laughed. They handed out the pellets.

"These are owl pellets. Owls eat by swooping down and picking up prey in their talons. Then they tear their food apart and eat it. They digest the meat and then throw up the skeletons and fur."

"So there are bones in this?" Mark asked.

"Exactly!" Keith pointed. "You can find all kids of cool things. Go ahead and pick up a pair of tweezers and see what you can find."

The kids set to work, pulling apart the pellets carefully and finding which kind of bones were inside and what possible animal they came from.

Mark came up to Hannah. He ran a shoelace through the eye sockets of what looked to have been a muskrat at some point. "Here." He said, handing it to Hannah. "To ward off your enemies."

Hannah almost smiled. "Thanks."

Nature ended and Diamond and Star packs had kayaking so Lance wished Hannah and Seth good luck at archery.

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