We Get Dirty.

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A/N: My partner at camp was the Nature Director. Thank you for introducing me to your bog, you wonderful, wondrous person. I care about you more than you know.


A few days passed since the river trip. Lance had gotten acquitted to his campers. The one kid, Charlie, had now lost his other front tooth in another apple and Lance had to cut him off of all apples because "kid blood is gross".

It was lunch and Keith stepped over the bench and turned to Lance who was eating mashed potatoes.

"Hey- you have Nature with me today. Make sure everyone is wearing clothes that they can get dirty."

Lance frowned. "What are we doing?"

"The bog."


"We're jumping into a bog- you know."

"Like a mud pit?"

"It's silt but you're simple-minded so yeah- a mud pit."

Lance laughed. "This is ridiculous."

"Yeah but does it make you want to kiss me?"




Keith was waiting for the kids on a stump of a tree. Lance brought his campers around, wearing T-shirts and shorts.

"Are you all ready to jump into a mud pit?"

"I thought it was silt." Lance muttered. The kids were excited. Keith announced that they were going to wrap duct-tape around their shoes and ankles to keep the footwear from being sucked into the mud below.

"We've lost some shoes in Color Pack yesterday so if anyone finds one, I'll give you a hot dog."

Lance thought it was stupid but wrapped his foot in duct-tape like his other kids. Keith briefed that the plan was to march to the bog, get in, throw some mud... er, silt around and then shout a chant all the way to the lake where they would rinse off the mud before hitting the showers and making their way to dinner.

Once everyone was taped up, they set off to the bog. Keith walked into it and stood waist-high in silt (which is very fine sediment, similar to lake mud). The kids jumped in, throwing handfuls of mud at each other. Lance stood at the edge and frowned. He didn't like to get dirty but he would for Keith.

He dipped a toe in and took his foot back out, still frowning at the mud. One kid threw a handful of mud right at his chest. Lance looked down, smiled and jumped in threatening to cover his campers in the mud. They laughed and dumped mud on each other's heads. Keith stood up, the only thing that was mudless were his face and neck. "Let's head to the lake!" He shouted. 

They started quiet. "we are the bog-walkers, never been prouder, if you can't hear us we'll shout a little louder."

"We are the bog walkers, never been prouder, if you can't hear us, we'll shout a little louder!"


They found Circle Pack kayaking on the lake and waved. Keith jumped off of the dock and crashed into the water below, sending ripples. The other kids jumped into the shallow waters and rinsed off in the lake. Keith took his hair out of it's ponytail and shook out his hair, sticking his head underwater. When he flipped his hair, standing back up, he found Lance with kids climbing over him. He was holding one of the boys and dunking him in the water.

"In the name of the Father" DUNK "The Son" DUNK "And the Holy Spirit-"

Keith laughed. "Are you seriously baptizing your campers?"

Lance grinned, mud smeared on his cheek. "They're muddy."

"Dunk me again!" The boy shouted.


Keith decided in joining in and picked kids up under their arms and threw them into the water. 

Shiro stood on the dock with Allura, who was writing on her clipboard.

"They'd make great parents."

Shiro chuckled. "Yeah."

When they got out of the water and back to the Nature Yurt, they began un-taping their shoes.

"Ow!" Lance shouted. "It's pulling out my leg hair, Keith!"

"That sounds like a you problem."

Lance frowned. "Yeah well then why didn't you tape your shoes then Mr. Keith?"

Keith shrugged. "Well for one, these are Chacos and they don't fall off and secondly, the tape was pulling out my leg hair."

"Ah hah!" Lance said, pointing. "So you do know the pain this is bringing me."

"I find it mildly amusing, yes. You're not a kid- you have leg hair"

Charlie, the toothless-wonder shook his head. "Puberty is a bitch."

"What?" Lance coughed.

Charlie smiled. "Nothing."

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