We Get Clean.

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A/N: I was Lance in this scenario IRL. (yes, they were pink socks)


Pidge had agreed to chaperone the Diamond Pack kids while Lance took a shower. He was very particular about not getting dirty and the residual mud had to go. Now.

The staff showers were empty. Lance had grabbed his fresh clothes and a towel. He turned on the water and let it get steamy.

"Ugh- it's everywhere." He muttered. He heard Keith laugh.

"Yep. Want help?"


Lance opened the shower curtain. "Welcome." 

He was posing against the shower stall, curtain open wide, towel around his waist. Keith looked down and laughed. 

"Lance, why are you wearing pink socks?"

Lance rolled his eyes. "I don't want warts."

Keith was barefoot. "Whatever."

"So are you going to kiss me or what?" Lance said, grabbing Keith's hand.

"Of course."

They kissed, Lance's towel dropped. Keith pushed him back into the steamy water and pulled off his shirt. He stepped into the water and kissed Lance up against the wall.

"I'm all muddy." Lance muttered.

Keith smirked. "Well let's change that."

It was like the scene from Mulan, where she is getting ready to meet the match-maker. Keith was rubbing too much shampoo onto Lance's head.

"Hold still." He grumbled. 

Lance was sitting on the floor of the shower, pouting, arms crossed. "I'm still muddy."

"I know."

After another ten minutes, both boys were as clean as they were before the bog, but they took a moment to kiss under the hot water and enjoy their peace.



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