The 4th of July

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Keith was in the staff cabin, sorting through a milk crate that had laminated index cards in plastic sandwich bags. His walkie crackled on.

"10 o'clock, let's go." It was Hunk, whispering over the channel. Lance slipped out of the cabin and met with Seth and Hannah. Matt came out last. They had their headlamps.

"2 am." Allura whispered, pointing from her eyes to the teens in an "I'm watching you" gesture.

"Scouts honor." Matt said.

"See you at 3." Lance laughed.

Allura and Shiro were sitting in lawn chairs, holding hands in the common area of the cabins, watching to make sure the campers were chaperoned.

Pidge and Matt got into the front seats of the van and the rest of the counselors piled in.

"Pidge did you bring the stuff." 

Pidge grinned. "Of course."

"Why am I afraid?" Keith asked.

"Pidge bought fireworks." Hannah filled in. "We got them last night."

"Technically it was this morning at 3 am."

"Don't you have campers?" Lance asked, turning around.

"I have Seth." Hannah shrugged.

"I just adore being used." Seth said, flatly.

Marcus the art director kissed his cheek. "Well I just adore you."

"You know-" Lance said. "If you need a good place to fuck..."

"Lance." Keith warned. Lance laughed.

They drove out into the depths of the bumfuck of nowhere in Altea until they found a grassy clearing by some train tracks. Matt pulled the van over onto the gravel by the country highway and Hunk helped Pidge get the fireworks.

"We're breaking SO many laws." Pidge laughed.

"Hey, look!" Hannah yelled. "There's a river here." They were standing on a rock in the middle.

Seth looked over. "That right there is a creek. Not a river."

"What's the difference?"

"This one's more likely to have rusty barber wire." Keith said, flipping out a knife to cut lift up the fuses on each firework box.

"Do you think any trains will come?" Hunk asked, looking down the tracks.

"Doubt it." Hannah said, walking back from the creek. "But if they do we'll see the light."

"True." Hunk said.

Hannah jumped back up the bank and joined the group. Pidge got out a lighter and brought one of the fireworks onto the train track. She looked back at the group.

"Get ready."

She lit the fuse and stood back, joining the group. They watched the bright sparks in different colors and burned through a bunch of fireworks. 

Keith handed Lance a sparkler. "Here." He said. "Be careful."

Lance grinned and waved the sparkler in the air. "I'm making a K for Keith."

"I'm making an L." Keith said.

"For Lance?"

"For Loser." Keith joked.

Lance frowned.

They jumped around, lighting shit on fire and watching it combust into bright arrays of colors. Lance took pictures of the light reflecting off of Keith's face. When they ran of things to light on fire, they looked for Hannah who was missing.

"Hannah?!" Lance called out.

"I'm over here!" Came a resonse. The group found her standing on rocks in the creek, headlight on.

Keith took out his phone and turned on the flashlight. Hunk slipped off his shoes and walked down the bank into the creek.

"It's not cold, suprisingly."

Keith was led down the bank by Lance. He took off his sandals, set his phone in them and stepped into the water. Lance ditched his phone and tried to step on a mossy rock and slipped, landing in the water. Keith laughed and jumped in, joining Lance in shoulder-deep water.

Pidge was parkor-ing from rock to rock and Seth and Marcus dipped their feet into the water. Matt stayed up on the bank. 

Lance disappered under the water and popped back up, splashing water in Keith's face.

"Hey!" He objected, but he couldn't be mad. He splashed back and laughe. He kissed him.

SIRENS. far off in the distance.

"Oh shit!" Pidge cursed. "We gotta get out of here."

They scrambled out of the creek.

"Should we pick up-" Hunk began

"We don't have time!" Matt said, pulling the keys out of his pocket. "Let's go!"

The teens scrambled to get into the van and turn on the ignition. They drove quickly, seeing blue lights coming up behind them.

"There!" Hannah yelled. "Take that road."

"It says no trespassing." Matt read out.

"Trespass damnit!" Pidge yelled.

Matt swerved onto the road without hitting the brakes and everyone grabbed onto the seat in front of them. The cops were no longer driving behind them. They waited a minute before driving back and saw the officers with flashlights looking at the train tracks.

"We're SO lucky." Hannah breathed, leaning back. They stopped to get gas for the van at the only gas station around. It was the same place where Keith and Lance had their first date when they ran away from camp last year.

Matt let everyone pick ice cream out of the glass freezer and paid for it with his credit card. They parked the van in the grassy field and everyone sat watching the stars. Lance put his head on Keith's shoulder and kissed him.

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

It was 1:30 when they made it back and took over their cabins, sneaking in.

Allura and Shiro were asleep. Looked like the kids were alright.

When Lance got into his room in the back of the cabin, he stripped off his wet clothes and put on clean boxers and a shirt before crashing from exhaustion. He grabbed his phone and unlocked it, looking through the photos. He went to sleep, happy.

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