Pack Challenge

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Pidge came into the new staff cabin out by the lake shore.

"Boom." She said, putting a heavy crate onto a wooden chair by the entrance. Keith looked up from his phone. He stood up and made his way over. Pidge was reorganizing the contents. Keith picked up a plastic bag of flint locks.

"What's all this?"

"Pack challenge." Pidge answered, taking the bag back from Keith and picking the crate back up. "Follow me."

"Okay?" Keith said. "Let me grab my boots. This looks dangerous."

"It's just 50 middle school kids with knives. We'll be fine."

"Right." Keith said, letting the door close behind him.

Hannah and Seth were sitting on the cabin porch. It was free time and the Shape Pack kids were playing flag football.

"Boom!" Pidge yelled, all kids turning to her. "Are you guys ready for a bit of a competition?" She asked.

The kids gathered around her. Lance stood in the back with Matt, Hannah, and Seth.

"We're going to have a challenge- Circle, Diamond, and Star all against each other."

"What are we doing?" Charlie asked.

"Good question." Keith muttered. He still had no clue what was going on but he knew that they would soon be armed.

"First off, we need to head to the lake shore. Follow me." She said, picking up the crate again.

Hannah was grinning. 

"What's going on?" Lance asked.

Keith caught up. "Yeah what the fuck is about to happen?"

Hannah shrugged. "Guess you'll find out."

Keith pinched the bridge of his nose, feeling a headache coming on. "I swear if this goes south-"

"It won't." Hannah stoically replied.

Lance shrugged and Keith followed the group down to the shore.

"Get in groups of five with your pack." She announced. "There should be ten groups."

The kids split up, some sad that they were separated from their friends but split into 5, nonetheless.

Keith picked up a set of tin plates and passed them out, one to each group. Pidge continued. "Today we are working with fire." She announced.

"Jesus." Lance prayed.

Pidge had Keith and Matt pass out pocket knives and flint to each group. The kids were kneeling in the sand. Sand meant that they probably wouldn't set the whole camp ablaze.

"Now." Pidge began. "You will each have to build a fire and boil a cup of tea but there are some rules. Number one: only one person can use the knife at one time and everyone has to be out of the 'circle of death'."

"Christ." Lance muttered. Now he was getting an anxiety headache.

"What's that?" Charlie asked.

Pidge picked up a knife and took a step, turning around all the way with her arm out. "This is the 'circle of death' one person gets too close and they can die."

"What?!" Keith exclaimed.

Pidge shrugged. "I mean, you could also just say 'safety circle' but that's much less fun."

Hannah raised their hand. "I like "circle of death" better."

"Thank you." Pidge smiled.

Hannah smirked.

"Rule number two: You only get a dozen cotton balls- that's 12 you also get one tampon and there is no limit to the amount of sticks you use but you can't go get sticks from anywhere far enough that you can't here me yelling for you to come back. We've lost several campers that way."

The kids looked horrified.

"Lord." Lance said under his breath.

"What's a tampon?" Mark asked.

"It's cotton that girls put in th-"

"OK!" Lance interrupted. "Start a fire, boil tea. Got it."

"Oh." Pidge remembered. "You only get one tea bag and your counselor must verify that it is, in fact, boiled and steeped for at least a minute."

"What?" Lance asked.

Pidge grinned. "And... GO!"

The kids split apart going for sticks while some came to Pidge for cotton balls. She showed some kids how to scrape at the flint to make sparks and that that is how they would catch a cotton ball on fire before stomping it out on the sand with her boot.

Matt walked around. "You know that you're going to have to drink the tea that they make."

"This is going to give me a panic attack." Lance said.

Hannah was beaming. "This is great!"

Seth looked concerned.

Eventually all of the kids came back and started-and failed- to make fires. Finally one of his kids got a fire going but so did some of Circle Pack which meant that pretty soon some poor counselor was about to drink some Lipton gone to shit.

"Here! It's boiling!" Luke shouted. He was being an awesome leader to his group of friends. Lance walked over and frowned. Yep- it was boiling. They took the teabag out and threw it in the sand.

"It has to steep for a minute." Pidge reminded.

 Without hesitation, they put it back into the cup and watched Luke's watch until a minute was up. They handed the sandy, nasty tea to Lance.

"You have to drink it." They announced. Pidge nodded.

Lance made a face, not wanting to drink it.

"I'm letting it cool." He said, stalling for time.

"C'mon Lance." Seth encouraged. "You swallow, right?"

"What?" Lance asked.

"Yeah. Spitters are quitterd." Keith smirked.

"If you can drink the seed of life-"

"OKAY..." Lance said, closing his eyes and downing the bitter cup of tea.

"First place- Diamond Pack, group 2!" Pidge announced. "Who is second?"

Lance felt gross. "Just wait." He said. "Your pack's up." Seth looked over to see the kids watching their wristwatches. 

"Yes! Seth- come drink your tea."

"Hannah would be glad to-"

"NOPE" They cut off. "All you, buddy."

Seth frowned but took the cup. He looked down at the dark liquid. "Okay but this is different than for Lance..."

"You don't swallow?" Keith smirked.

"I'm rarely the one doing it."

"Doing what?" One of his campers asked.

"Bottoms up." Seth sighed, chugging the tea.

Pidge smiled. "I never said that you have to drink the whole cup."

Keith laughed. "Ha! You-"

"Keith, we boiled the tea!" Spencer shouted.

Keith's face dropped. "But I'm not their-"

"TOO BAD!" Matt laughed. "They want YOU to drink it."

"Are you a spitter?" Seth taunted.

"JUST A SIP." Keith enforced. He gagged at the taste. "Is their sand in this?!"

The kids laughed. "Nice one!" Matt cheered.

Keith walked over to Lance and whispered in his ear. "Staff showers at midnight. I'll swallow."

Lance felt his face hot and his dick hard. "Okay." He whispered back.

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