Pidge and Hannah

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Pidge was waiting at the bottom of the hill that led to archery. Seth was bringing up the end of the group.

"So-" Pidge began. "Archery."

"Yep." Hannah replied.

Pidge made sure that everyone in the group could see her. "Welcome to archery!" She beamed. "We have some important safety rules so listen up!" She briefed the group on the rules and called the first set of kids up to the line.

"Here." Hannah said, lifting the kid's bow up. "Look where you want it to go with your dominant eye and let it go." The kid let go and watched the arrow fly into the center of the target. 

Pidge bit her cheek.

"Let me show you." Pidge said, straightening one boy's stance. "Take a deep breath and let go." The arrow flew into the center of the target. 

The third boy was trying to knock his arrow onto the bow string. Hannah sighed. "Here. Like this." She clipped the back of the arrow onto the string and helped the kid shoot. The arrow missed but it made it into the round hay bale that the target was set on.

"Seth, why don't you take over?" Hannah asked. Seth had been sitting on the wooden box that housed the equipment.

"Sure but I don't really know what to do."

Pidge climbed up on top of a stack of round hay bales, letting her legs dangle off.

"We'll tell you." Hannah said, grabbing Pidge's hand and climbing up to the top.

"I want to climb up too!" One kid complained.

"Too bad." Hannah said.

The kid pouted but went back to look at his target.

"Here." Pidge said, taking out a plastic bag full of jelly beans.

"Thanks." Hannah said. "I'm on my period and I'm missing chocolate like hell."

"Ugh." Pidge groaned. "Having your period at camp is the worst. There are no girls bathrooms for me so I have to use the staff bathrooms in the main lodge everyday."

Hannah frowned. "Yeah I think I'll have to do that too. Kids don't quite get non-binary."

Pidge smiled. "You know, we can get chocolate."

"Really?" Hannah asked.

Pidge shrugged. "We'll sneak out tonight."

Seth blew a whistle. "Put your bows down and grab your arrows with one hand, the other by the end."

The kids did so and ran to grab their arrows. Hannah ate another jelly bean. "So where do I meet you for this jailbreak?"

"I'll find you tonight. Make sure you're ready after 'lights out'"

Hannah smiled. "Got it."


Nightfall came quickly after the campfire. Hannah made sure the campers were asleep before they stepped out onto the porch. Pidge came up with a flashlight.

"Ready?" She asked.

Hannah nodded, turning around to check that everyone was asleep and followed Pidge off the porch, turning on her own flashlight.

"So where are we going?"

"Off camp." Pidge replied. She held up the keys to the Jeep. "We're going to make an evening of this outing."

Hannah felt herself actually smiling.

They ran down the roads of Altea until they found a gas station. Pidge parked the car.

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