You, Me, and the Jeep

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Hunk took over for Lance. Pidge was chilling in Hannah's cabin. They had become fast friends. They bonded by making a fire on Hannah's break and throwing random shit in the fire for their own amusement.

Lance met Keith by the Jeep. "So tonight's your night off?" Keith asked.

"Nope. Only yours- I'm sneaking off."

"You rebel." Keith said, kissing Lance's cheek. "Let's go!"

Lance jumped in the Jeep and put on his seat belt. They didn't dare turn the headlights on, for fear that they would get caught. Lance was supposed to be watching kids, after all.

They drove through that small town of Altea and took random roads until they found a lake in the middle of a forest, right by a boat launch. They stopped the Jeep and walked out to the end of the wooden dock. They could see the bright moon on the gentle waves of the lake. The water was perfectly clear. They could see the sand below them and the occasional fish swimming around.

They sat facing each other, Keith cross-legged, Lance leaning back on his heels. Lance moved in for a kiss. He saw the shadow of his hand on Keith's face. They kissed and melted into each other. Lance grinned, pulling away.

"You're about to hate me." Lance whispered, placing a hand on Keith's chest and pushing him back, off balance, into the water. It made a big splash.

"McClain!!!" Keith shouted, treading the water. Lance smiled and jumped in after Keith.


Keith splashed him. Lance splashed back. He put his hand down and pulled Keith towards him. He found that his feet touched the sandy bottom, leaving the water up to their shoulders. Keith put his arms over Lance's shoulders and behind his neck, they put their foreheads together. The moon was brilliant. The crickets were harmonizing in the background.

"You know what I'm thinking?" Keith whispered.

"What?" Lance said, kissing Keith's neck, making sure not to be too passionate and leave a mark.

"I'm thinking that I'm in love with you."

"Really?" Lance smirked. "Because I think I'm in love with you, too."

The ride back was exhilarating. Keith sped down the roads of Altea, past fields of wheat and corn, pastures of cows. Their wet clothes whipped around in the breeze, blowing their hair back. Lance leaned out of the Jeep, catching the cool summer night air.

When they made it back to camp, Keith followed Lance back to his cabin.

"Here." Lance said, handing a pair of boxers to Keith. "Just spend the night. You're here already."

Keith stripped down and changed into Lance's boxers. Lance snook outside and put their clothes on the clothes line. He came back in and Keith was already asleep. He kissed Keith's forehead and whispered. "Goodnight. I love you."

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