Floating Down The River

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A/N: This is based off of my river trip at camp when I was still a camper!


Keith hefted the last inner tube onto the trailer. "These things are fucking heavy." He complained.

Pidge climbed up the side of the trailer and stood on the pile of tubes. "I'm Queen of the tubes." She smirked. "Queen of the Fallopian Tubes- fear my reproductive organs!"

"Yay!" Hunk cheered.

"Pidge get down from there." Matt said. He was busy rubbing sunscreen on the back of his neck. Pidge frowned but eventually jumped down.

Lance walked up to the group of counselors. "I've loaded the kids up in Hunk's van." The trailer was attached behind the van. "Shiro is bringing the rest of the kids on the bus."

"Cool. Let's go!" Hunk declared.

They took off, Hunk in the van with Matt and Pidge, Keith, and Lance were in the Jeep. Keith wrapped his hair up into a ponytail and looked at Lance.

"What?" Keith asked.

"What what?"

"Why are you staring at me?"

"Why are you staring at me?" Lance said, lowering his sunglasses. "Are you deeply in love with me, watching my hair fly in the wind of the open Jeep in nothing but swim trunks and a T-shirt?"

"Something like that." Keith muttered.

The drive out to the river was decently long- about 30 minutes. The Greenrun River was a fairly shallow river that was popular for swimming and fishing. The boys got out and started unloading the tubes and handed them to each kid. They were a big group, which meant all hands on deck- almost all of the support staff was directed to helping the shape pack.

Shiro pulled up and the rest of the kids and tubes arrived. Lance made sure that everyone had adequate sun protection and went over the rules. Keith and Hunk pulled out the life vests packed in the trunk of the Jeep and fit them on each kid. They seemed excited.

Finally, the all got into their tubes and started to float down the river. Some kids held onto each other's tubes while some were trying to "bumper car" their tubes into each other. They reached the halfway point when they reached a tree hanging over the river. Everyone pulled their tubes up to the sandbar and Shiro unloaded the cargo tubes with red igloo coolers. He handed out sandwiches and apples.

"You need to keep your life jackets on but you can swing off the rope in the tree. Try not to fall down the mud bank leading to the base of the tree."

The kids all got excited. Lance looked at Keith who was already smirking. "I bet I can jump off better than you." He whispered, brushing past Lance, wading into the water.

Keith swung out and did a flip. Very impressive. Lance laughed. "I can beat that."

He climbed up the roots and mud of the bank. His campers cheered for him. Lance swung off and landed on a flat belly flop. Everyone groaned. Lance popped out of the water and shook the hair out of his eyes. He walked back up the sand bar.

"You okay?" Keith asked.

"I think I broke my dick."

Keith laughed and leaned into Lance. "Wanna play doctor?"

Lance blushed and felt himself getting... excited.

"Okay everyone back into the water!" He shouted. The kids jumped back into their tubes and made their way back around, down the current.

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