Noodle Tag!

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All Camp Game!

A/N: This is a real game that we play at camp!


Allura stood on a chair in the dining hall during lunch. The hall went quiet.

"Hello, campers!" She shouted. Everyone cheered. She continued, "Tonight is an all-camp game! That means Shape, Color, and Number packs are going up against the counselors."

Lance looked down the table at Keith. "Did you know about this?"

Keith shook his head. "Nope."

"The game is called 'Noodle Tag' and the rules are simple. Campers, you have to find 5 stations of Support Staff and get their signature written on your arm. If you get tagged by a cabin counselor, you have to sit down until another camper tags you. Once you receive all five signatures, feel free to go around and help you fellow tagged campers." She looked around. "Do we have any counselor questions?"

Pidge raised her hand. "So when a camper comes to get my signature, should I sign their face."

"No!" Allura answered, sarcastically. "Campers can only be signed on their arm."

Counselor questions were basically the counselors asking dumb questions to get all the rules down for the kids.

Lance raised his hand. "Can I tag campers, full noodle force?"

"No!" Allura answered. "Counselors shouldn't beat the children. That's frowned upon."

"Darn!" Lance replied, making some kids laugh.

Shiro raised his hand. "Can I run to the lake?"

"No! The only places you can play the game is on A and B field and the edge of the woods. The campsites and lake are off boundaries."

With all of the questions answered, Allura dismissed the cabins to go and put on their pack shirts, some running shoes and possibly rub on some deodorant- boys could get really smelly, really fast.

Keith walked Lance and his huge gaggle of kids down to the Diamond Pack cabin. The kids talked excitedly. Keith was one of the stations that the kids had to visit. He was carrying a sign and a plastic sandwich bag of face paint sticks.

"Keith, where are you hiding?" One of the kids asked.

"It's a secret." Keith smiled.

"I'm totally going to tag you all!" Lance declared. The toothless Charlie stuck his tongue out.

"Yeah right!"


Hunk came and supplied Lance and Matt with a pool noodle when the packs in their respective shirts made their way to the Games Field. The people hiding were Keith, Marcus the Art Director, Pidge, and Hunk.

Lance was swinging the pool noodle around. The campers ran around the cabin's common area and played a quick game of tag with Lance. When it was time to make their way to the games field, the kids jumped and ran to get there faster. Lance was leading a group of kids that were holding onto his pool noodle behind him.

"Hello, campers!" Shiro yelled. "Remember to stay on the game fields and the edge of the woods. Are you ready to play noodle tag?!"

"Yeah!" the kids cheered. The game started and the kids quickly took off, looking for the Support Staff counselors. Keith was hiding in a bush but the kids found him quickly. Keith had a yellow face paint stick and signed his name on the camper's arms before they took off again. Lance bopped a couple kids but they were quickly tagged back into the game. After about an hour, Shiro blew a whistle, beckoning everyone back. The kids were sweaty and gross but they were all smililng.

Keith walked up to Lance, who was holding the pool noodle in front of him.

"Nice dick." He laughed.

Lance looked down and grinned at Keith. "Thanks, mullet."

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