Chapter 2

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It was Friday afternoon.

I was getting ready before Drake came over to pick me up and then go meet Erin at the cinema. I couldn’t shake the feeling in my gut that something wouldn’t go quite as planned, I did my best to shake it off though and soon forgot all about it.

I heard the familiar knock at my bedroom window and grinned widely while I opened it. Drake came in and sat in my bed, while I returned to the bathroom to finish my makeup. Drake waited for me a bit before he got bored.

-          Hey! Hurry Merlin Melanie! You’re taking forever; I would’ve thought that with your magical powers you could pretty yourself up quicker than that. – Drake said impatiently.

I got out of the bathroom and laughed sarcastically, Drake looked me over for a moment and then got up and took my hand.

-          Let’s go now Mel – he said as he led me to the door.

We got to the cinema pretty fast and found Erin waiting for us at a table. She was, as usual, reading some book.

-          Hey Erin! – I said shaking her, knowing I wouldn’t be able to get her out of her fantasy world otherwise.

-          Oh hi guys – she said noticing us for the first time.

We spent some awkward minutes staring at the options. Finally we decided to watch the latest Resident Evil movie.

I was sitting between Drake and Erin, knowing they weren’t quite friends but mostly kind of awkward acquaintances. It was an action movie, the kind that I didn’t enjoy much; I looked over at my friends: Drake was entranced by all the guns and blood and Erin was just watching with mild interest. I was bored so I looked around; I was unsurprised to see most of the back seats of the cinema were occupied by couples making out. Well, so much for avoiding lovey-dovey couples. I started staring around, looking at the people on the theater. Suddenly, my eyes landed on a very familiar messy black hair, I could just catch a tiny glimpse of it but I knew whose it was: Gale Regis’. The thing that surprised me the most was that the reason I could barely make out his messy dark hair was because most of his body was covered by some girl on a slutty outfit. The most ironical thing is that two years ago he claimed before everybody that he will never, ever be in a relationship and that he was sick of giggly girls bothering him with their nonsense.

It was so bizarre; I had almost forgiven Gale for the humiliation he made me go through for a whole year only because I assumed that, if he ignored every single girl and despised them, it must be because he was playing for the other team… if you know what I mean. I was now backing to the starting point where I hated him. I was now sure that he liked girls… a lot and that made what he did to me inexcusable all over again.

I decided to text Erin:

“Erin! Look up at the right corner of the theater, you’ll never believe it.”

She felt the vibration of her phone and took it out, read the text and looked at me inquiringly, I nodded upwards in response. Erin’s face tilted to the spot and as she took in the odd scene her Asian eyes popped open larger than usual.

A moment later she was nudging my elbow:

-          Is that… is he… is he Gale? – Erin asked with disbelief.

-          Yup, I caught a glimpse of that smug face of his…

-          And I thought he must be those kinds of people who are attracted to no one. – answered Erin dreamily. – Like in the last book I read there was this girl who was unable to feel love for anyone and then she meets this guy….

I knew then that Erin wouldn’t stop talking about her book. She’s probably read more books than our entire grade combined and always fantasized about them, everywhere and anywhere. I couldn’t help but think that somehow she lived on a different little private world where she shut off everybody and could be herself; I admired her for always being able to dream high even on the worst circumstances… without stop being realistic though. Erin was a very weird combination of a dreamer and a genius.

Finally the movie ended and the three of us got up.

-          That movie was SO good! – said Drake excitedly – Too bad someone was too busy checking guys out and didn’t enjoy it. – he added looking pointedly at me.

All of a sudden, Erin laughed as if something had suddenly made sense to her. I shot her a death glare. She kept laughing hysterically.

-          You thought he was gay didn’t you!? – Erin asked in between laughs.

I couldn’t help blushing tomato red.

-          In fact I did. – I answered.

Drake looked back and forth between us and the he blushed too.

-          Hey! I’m not gay! The fact I don’t have a girlfriend doesn’t mean I’m gay! – he protested vehemently.

Thos words from Drake made me laugh and caused Erin to laugh even harder. Drake blushed even more, now his handsome face was crimson. But we wouldn’t stop laughing and I did really try, finally, after like ten minutes of this Drake shot me a hurt glance and turned away.

I couldn’t actually believe it! Drake, my best friend Dracula Drake, had walked away on me! And all because of a stupid confusion! This couldn’t be happening to me.

When Erin’s laughing fit finally stopped and a group of people were actually watching us, amused as if we were some weird comical creatures, I walked her home. Actually she lived on the farthest part of town from my house, but anyway I could use the long walk to think.

Drake had never been mad at me. As in EVER. And when he teased me too much he immediately apologized and begged for forgiveness. He trusted in me and I trusted in him and I know he would never hurt me… but had I hurt him this time?

I wasn’t sure of all this horrible mess that was now my life. Nothing seemed to go as I expected, I just hoped that on Monday Drake would be back to normal again because I already missed him.


Author's Note: Heyy! I hope I don't bore you with this author notes, it is just that it's the only way to keep in touch with you, my readers... even if you all are silent ;) But that's OK because I know that you will comment on this chapter leaving feedback (Please! :3) right? Anyway, I'm having kind of a hard time this week that is why this chapter is a little too short... blame algebra and not me! Soooo, COMMENT, VOTE!!!!!!!!!!! and fan me for more exciting stories you will LOVE!

Post Data: In this chapter there are references to homosexual terms but have in mind I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST HOMOSEXUALS! 


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