Chapter 3

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It was 11:30 p.m.

When I finally got home I felt so empty inside and an uncomfortable hollowness in my stomach kept reminding me that my best friend was mad at me. I slept uneasily that night, hoping that tomorrow I will receive a call from Drake and everything will be like it was before.

**12 hours later**

I hadn’t been able to sleep at all, worrying that if I actually slept, Drake might call I might not answer.

Drake never called.

I was only alert because I had drunk two cups of coffee, a coca cola and was currently drinking a red bull.

I felt totally hyper. And although I felt with tons of energy my brain was kind of foggy because of my sleepless night.

Yes, I should have known better.

I thought that maybe go jogging was a good idea, a good way to rid myself of my hyperactivity and to finally go home, take a long bath and sleep. I put on the oldest t-shirt I owned, a pair of leggings and my sneakers and left.

**about 65 minutes later**

I was tired as hell. I stopped and bought some water at a nearby store, I wanted to get home now but it was far. I started looking around for signs of a known place and ended up walking without any real destination, I let my feet just carry me where there willed.

Suddenly I was in front of a nice white house, a house I knew too well. Hey, that thing about our unconscious mind I read the other day was actually true: I had wanted to talk to Drake so badly that my feet had taken me to his house without me even noticing… Oh the wonders our brain holds.

I ran up to his door and ran the bell frantically. No one answered me for a while.

Then he opened the door with a grumpy face.

-          Now what do you want?! – He groaned when he recognized me.

-          Hey you are the last person I wanted to see on a Saturday afternoon but I’m not complaining – I shot back at him and he smirks.

-          Yeah, should have know you’d be here looking for my dumb brother. He ain’t here. He’s out with his new girlfriend – said Gale bored and started closing the door.

I put my shoe between the door and the door frame so that he wouldn’t shut the door on my face.

-          Who said I came here for Drake? – I asked – In fact, I wanted to see how are you editing your part of the parody so that it fits with mine.

He looked amused.

-          So you actually came here to see me?

-          Yes, because of that thing we have to work on together. – I said grumpily.

Gale opened the door for me and I entered to his house for the billionth time.

He brought some sheets of paper and a couple of pencils.

We sat down and studiously tried to fit our ideas together.

I don’t know how much time passed, but I could tell that at least a couple of hours because the sun started going down. We had worked without having any arguments and just as I was seriously considering this was a true miracle of God my stomach grumbled noisily. Yes, I’m being grateful towards God and my stomach makes a fool of myself. That would only happen to me… and to anyone who hasn’t eaten in like a day.

Gale stopped writing his current stanza and looked at me, he grinned and said:

-          So we are hungry huh?

I blushed and he stood up and left.

Minutes dragged by silently and just when I thought he had left me for good he returned with a tray full of sandwiches.

-          Oh thank you SO much! – I exclaimed.

We ate in silence when out of nowhere Gale starts laughing. I look up at him confused but he just kept laughing… and I have a weird feeling that he is laughing AT me.

-          What’s so funny? – I finally asked annoyed.

-          Your…. Face… when… your… stomach growled….. – he said in between laughs.

He kept on laughing at my expense and I started getting tired of it.

-          Would you stop already! We have work to do!

-          No… I just can’t! Your face! – Gale exclaimed pointing at me.

I hit him in the arm hard.

Finally he shut up.

-          Hey what was that for!? – he asked outraged.

-          For laughing at me instead of working on your last couple of stanzas. – I said reasonably.

He laughed at me again and I kept punching him on the arm. He wouldn’t stop.

-          Just stop please! – I begged.

He stopped laughing for a moment and looked at me.

-          Then make me – he said stubbornly.

I got up from my chair and stood, in what I hoped was a menacing posture, looking down at him.

-          Just stop. We have to finish this.

He stood up too.

-          No we don’t! It’s not until next week.

I moved closer and jammed my index finger on his chest. Very hard.

-          Yes we do. We never work in class and this is the first time we are ever agreeing on something!

He took my hand.

Suddenly I heard a girlish giggle and the front door opened with a slam.

The first thing I saw was a blonde, pretty girl, she was giggling. She was taking a boy by the hand and leading him upstairs, where I knew the bedrooms were.

The second thing I saw was a handsome dark haired boy looking straight at me with confusion. I witnessed as his expression became filled with anger.

The third thing I saw was myself, reflected on the mirror in the hall, and pressed up against another handsome dark haired boy who has holding my hand.


Author's Note: OOOH! This chapter was so full of weird things happening! Why is Gale acting nice towards Melanie? Why did Drake get angry? Who is the blonde girl? What will Melanie do!??!!!

This are all good questions that might.... or might not be answered on the next chapter. So better keep reading LOL. Please comment which twin do you like best: Drake, the best friend, or Gale, the misterious, dark brother? :D 

Hope you enjoyed the suspense.... *wink*


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