Chapter 6

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He was smiling.

He actually was genuinely smiling.

It was the first time in my entire life I saw Gale Regis smile.

He looked so much better smiling. He even appeared kind and fun to be with.

That fact that he was smiling at a girl shocked me even more, it was even weirder when I she turned halfway around and I could see her face. I recognized her immediately.

-          Mel! I’m talking to you! – said Vicky with annoyance.

-          Wait, what? – I asked turning around to face Vicky.

-          I was just telling you about this awesome costume party that Jared is throwing this weekend! – Vicky exclaimed cheerfully.

Vicky chatted away about how awesome her boyfriend’s party was going to be and how she had convinced him to make it a costume party.

I half listened to her, half occupied my mind in some other things: like the fact that my heart skipped a beat when I saw Gale smiling at another girl…

**Hours Later**

The bell finally rang and I literally ran from the classroom, the class had been so impossibly boring that I badly needed some fresh air to wake up.

I took the long way in order to avoid everyone else… I felt I couldn’t even face my friends… especially her, the friend that made me feel jealous towards her over a guy I despised with all my heart!

What was wrong with me!

Bam! I just slammed into someone really hard.

-          I’m sorry – he said looking down at me.

I recognized him, he was on my grade.

-          No problem Oswald, it was me who was running. – I said smiling at him.

-          Where are you going? - Oswald asked.

-          Home.

-          I can walk you if you want, you know as a way of apologizing. – he added enthusiastically.

-          Yeah… But really I’m fine, plus it was my entire fault.

After what seemed like endless minutes I realized he was coming with me anyway, no matter how much I protested.

Yeah, so much for wanting to be alone.

Oswald tried to make random small talk as he walked me home. I remained silent and mostly ignored him, hoping he’d get the hint and just leave…

I couldn’t really get why was he doing all this… anyway this was wrong as he had dated Vicky and she is one of my best friends.

Once we reached my street I tried to get rid of him as nicely as possible.

-          Hey Oswald, thanks… for walking me home. -  I said sincerely – So… See you tomorrow I guess.

-          Yeah sure. It was a pleasure Mel. – he said smiling at me.

I headed home and waved back at him. He hadn’t left… or moved an inch.

Once I opened the door I watched behind the blinds and saw him at the corner of the street still.

That was creepy.

**Some hours later**

Having finished all my homework, downloaded music on my iPod, read some fanfics and called Vicky twice I was B-O-R-E-D.

I was tempted to call Drake but he was probably with Tanya… anyway I decided to text him, just in case:

“Hey, wanna hang out?” I wrote.

He answered instantly:

“OK, I’ll be at your place soon”

I hadn’t expected that. I’d expected him to be busy with his beloved girlfriend all afternoons.

I gave myself a look in the mirror before deciding I to definitely comb my hair and change clothes before Drake got here, even if he is my best friend I was NOT letting him see me looking like this: I was in a pair of old sweatpants, a huge “Rolling Stones” shirt and my hair was tied on a messy bun.

I barely managed to brush my hair and make it look presentable before Drake threw my bedroom door open. I cursed myself for showing him where the spare key to my house was.

He raised an eyebrow at seeing me like this.

-          Hey, nice shirt hadn’t seen it before – he said chuckling – and those pants…

I punched him on the arm lightly.

-          Smartass!

-          What did you just called me? – he asked suddenly serious, although I could see an amused spark in his eyes.

-          SMARTASS!

-          You are paying for that! – he said as he grabbed me from behind and tickled me mercilessly.

-          Stop! Stop please! – I exclaimed trying to get away, I saw the door half open and decided to make a run for it.

I failed miserably.

Drake tackled me and we both fell to the ground, he was on top of me now.

I was trapped under his weight.


Author's Note: You are dying to know what willl happen next? I AM! I'm sorry I didn't update sooner, you know how vacations are: You have all this list of things to do on your free time but at the end of it you realize you lost all your time. True Story. Plus, I've been busy because the 4th bimester has just started and some teachers are merciless.... That is why I might not update as fast as I wish to. I'll try to update twice a week anyway. Hope you are enjoying the story so far!


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