Chapter 7

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It was like had frozen.

None of us moved.

I could feel Drake’s heavy breath and hear my own.

My heartbeat was skyrocketing.

-          Get off me. – I said coldly.

Drake stood up and got off me.

I sat on my bed and tried to sort out all the feelings I was through: I felt confused, very confused at my body reactions, I was also very mad… for no apparent reason.

I was normally a calm girl but now my hands were balled on fists so hard that my knuckles were almost paper white. I tried controlling myself to no avail.

Drake eyed me slowly. With caution, as if I was some rabid animal that might attack at any time.

-          Just come here and sit down. We’ll watch a movie. – I said a little too harshly.

He slowly sat on the bed and looked at me with worry all over his face.

-          Are you feeling all right? – he asked.

-          Yes, I am now. I don’t like playing those kinds of games, please never do that again. – I answered. – I felt kind of weird – I added lastly, mostly for myself and so quietly I was sure Drake didn’t hear.

We watched a movie until it was 11:00 p.m. and Drake had to leave.

Things had been almost like before… except that now we wouldn’t even get close to each other and the tension was somewhat palpable in the room.

I’m sure he wasn’t watching the movie. I felt his eyes on me most of the time.

Oh well, I wasn’t watching either.

All I could think about was about our uncomfortable position before… which hadn’t been THAT uncomfortable at all…

**Next Day**

I woke up with a good mood. I had no clue why.

I bathed and dressed quickly, then kissed my mother goodbye and went to school.

As I was early I decided to go walking.

Nearly two blocks away I found an “old” friend of mine, he was an exchange student from India.

-          Hi Palmud! – I greeted him.

-          Oh hi Mel! – he answered cheerfully.

We chattered all the way to school, he was the only boy apart from Drake who I felt totally at ease with. With him I could be myself.

As we arrived to school we parted ways, but I felt happy I’d talked to him.

-          Oh Mel, Mel! – said a cheery friend of mine running towards me, her name was Magda and was obsessed with Pop Korean Music.

-          Hi Mags! What’s going on? – I asked taking in her ruffled hair, Shinee* T-shirt, nervous glance, and wide smile.

-          Have you heard it? I have! They told me all about it. – Magda said excitedly.

-          No, heard what? Is it about me? – I asked suddenly preoccupied.

-          No, no… well yeah I think it might interest you because of… you know your love history with Gale Regis… but… - she added suddenly nervous.

-          Firstly, I DO NOT LIKE HIM ANYMORE. Secondly, he and I have NO love history or whatsoever. – I stated – But what is that SO important you found out?

-          Well… she told me not to tell you like exactly but I guess I can, you know I happened to find them… you know together and well she told me about it but made me promise not to make a gossip out of it…

-          What. Is. It? – I asked, she was already getting on my nerves.

-          Yeah, I’ll tell you but please, please don’t tell everyone OK? – I nodded and Magda started babbling once again – I arrived early today, earlier than ever and I expected no one to be here yet so once I had everything ready I put on my headphones, Shinee and Girls Generation of course, and walked down an apparently deserted hall. Suddenly I almost bumped into what looked to me a couple about to make out, they were hugging and standing VERY close to each other, so I gasped and she turned around and saw me. She sprang away from him and told me to please forget about it, it was NOT what it looked like. By then he left but I caught a glimpse of his dark hair and leather jacket and recognized him as Gale Regis. – Magda stopped to catch her breath and then continued – So I told her: “Hey you shouldn’t do that especially because you know what he did to Melanie!” and she said that she would explain, that I shouldn’t get the wrong idea just yet. She said she had been just helping him and he had hugged her suddenly as a “thankful action”. I said “yeah, right” and she told me it was all true and to please keep it a secret, when I told her that I knew some people who would be interested in hearing from this she just said: “Well then, you go ahead and tell them what you saw, but if you dare tell them my name or my description or ANYTHING to make them recognize me, I swear I’ll make your life a living hell” and then she said that she knew something about me that no one else did and that I wouldn’t want her to say it so I’m keeping her identity safe but anyway I thought it would interest you. – Magda ended her long narration.

-          Wait, wait. So, you are saying that Gale Regis was about to make out with some girl who blackmailed you? – I summarized.

-          Yeah, but not just ANY girl – said Magda and then got closer and whispered very quietly- She is who you least expect her to be.

Then Magda left as fast as she came and left me standing there, perplexed.

That wouldn’t be THAT interesting if it had been about someone else, but…

Gale smiling at a girl from my class. Gale about to make out with a mysterious girl.

That was something I did found amusing but not quite interesting, every guy did those things, but I had a feeling in my gut I couldn’t shake.

I told myself it was nothing, I couldn’t be bothered by what Gale Regis did with a girl or not. After all, I HAD seen him making out with a girl on the movies… so what was so weird about him and someone from the school?

Well maybe the fact that it was someone from the school and not me.

Maybe because he preferred some other girl after he humiliated me in public by saying he would never love anyone.

Maybe it made me uncomfortable because I was starting to have yet another stupid crush on him… again.


Author's Note: The ending kind of left my "editor" like  =O

And yes! So maybe she has a crush on him again LOL :D

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