Is Tomorrow Promised

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Chapter 10

Can we honestly say to anybody talk to you tomorrow or see you tomorrow? Is this the biggest lie we tell anyone? I know I can't promise my loved ones I will see or talk to them tomorrow yet I do!!

So why do we do/say it? Because there is always hope in our minds we will get to see or talk with our loved one's and even our Friend's again, None of us want anything bad to happen to them or anyone else for that matter so we hold hope and pray tomorrow comes.

Because tomorrow is not promised to anyone we need to make each moment of each day count! Live for the moment you are in. Try to make it happy (sometimes the hardest thing to do) tell those you love, I love you! Give people blessing's make them smile, Each day could be our or their last! Sorry to be morbid but let's face the truth most of us have felt the effect's of losing someone close to us.

As I said this is not always easy and even if you have a moment where you don't see eye to eye with your loved ones / friends always tell them you love them even when they don't want to hear it! Or you don't want to talk to them! MAKE THEM HEAR YOU!! MAKE YOURSELF TELL THEM!! Do you get my meaning now it is three words "I LOVE YOU" it matters not if you are angry or busy or have had enough of them that you don't want to say another thing in your life to them at that moment, Just tell them before you drive / walk off before you go to sleep, It may be the thing that help's stop the anger at that time and it may be your last chance EVER!!!

No matter what age or health status nor how rich or poor we are all at the mercy of time once we are called nothing can stop it.

So dance in the rain, Sing in the shop's, Act crazy like a fool and enjoy the moment for what it is a moment that could be your last,

Do you have a bucket list of thing's you want to do? What is holding you back from doing it? Is there a way around the reason? Again sometimes circumstances can not be helped but always stay focused on achieving the goal no matter how hard and keep hoping tomorrow come's, Live a full life where people know you love them and are told often, Do you not get on with a family member? Take a moment to think how you would feel if something happened to them! Would you feel regret take a look in your heart the answer may come, Even if you don't want to talk with them you can still let them know you love them even though you are not happy with their decisions / actions.

As I have said and am saying again live in this moment and the next leave people feeling happy and if that is not possible because they are stubborn at least leave them knowing you love them which in turn will hopefully encourage them to tell you the same,

Have fun enjoy life, Enjoy each moment of each day experience something new when you can! It may be a new food or you may want to face a fear! Tomorrow is not promised but this moment is so just smile right now knowing someone loves YOU..

I dedicate this chapter to the woman I love with all my heart and soul.."I Love You" you are perfect and need to change nothing about yourself my Marie...

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