Authors Note

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Chapter 23

This book will hopefully help all whom read it learn the opportunity's they have in life, We are more than just humans existing on a planet this is just a small drop in the ocean we are pure energy in our life force part of the universe it is said the eye's are the windows to the soul and this is a true statement for even if we look a stranger in the eye's in that first initial glance we can tell more about them than we think was ever possible, Just as we can see this in them we can see it within ourselves take the time to believe in oneself develop the mind and body to reach new heights.

When starting my own journey it was easier than it is for most for having already known what was existing around us everyday since childhood the transition was not so bad even so my journey is still far from over on this path that is walked everyday learning and developing never stops for if it does then what is the point of existence, There are some that say life is all you see and what you see is what you get, Think of that for a moment and decide is what you have and how you feel the way you want to go through this life time? 

We are in these bodies so we can grow and learn all the pain all the love the happy times and sad are all our teachers in life, There are people whom say once you die that is all there is nothing else happen's for them sadness befalls my spirit they are missing out on so much because they are caught up in such a narrow view of self awareness so writing this may peak their curiosity and broaden their mindset helping them to find inner peace and love once the ripple starts it is hard to stop and self love turns into love for others and self awareness grows then they begin to teach so as we can see the ripple takes on more substance and starts to develop into something more until it becomes a wave sweeping over all it comes into contact with growing and teaching all until this universe itself is full of peace and love.

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