Art Of Silence

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Chapter 20

Have you ever just sat in silence just because and thought how nice it was in that moment, It truly is beautiful no noise no distractions if you are lucky.

So we know the feeling and the bliss we feel the power of our inner energy flowing, Let's take it further to a point where we can do it everyday only then will we start to discover our own inner energy and just how powerful we are to manifest and control our own lives.

Pick a time of the day morning afternoon evening or anywhere in between, Remember our life our choice, Now pick a quiet space if possible don't worry if we can't there are way's to inner silence and peace even with noise for example we can sometimes use very soft music in the form of nature sound's this gives the illusion of being alone with nature which is a beautiful space and as silent as one may get in the real scope of things, There are always ear plugs etc but are not very comfortable, Once we have time and space sorted we pick how we choose to be we can either lay down with closed eye's but be wary you have a great chance of falling asleep and we don't want this if we can help it, We could sit upright in a chair with closed eye's or we could sit cross legged on a mat on the floor or straight on the earth which gives another benefit which we  maybe can cover in the next chapter.

Ok so we have time place and position we like now pick an amount of time and set a timer start off short maybe 5 to 10 minutes and just listen to our breath deep in and deep out yes it is meditation which is covered briefly but this is the art of silence and meditation can silence mind, Body and soul as we get more comfortable with the sitting arrangement we can extend the time some people can do it for hour's without moving and staying upright without slouching.

After we have learned how to be silent in this way we can use it in other situation's such as when someone is getting on our nerves we have the power to practice silence so in turn we remove their power to upset us and make themselves feel better, It can also be used when we know there is an argument with a loved one coming on because they said the wrong thing instead of blowing up at them and making the situation worse we can take the time to walk away and quietly reflect before we speak I am not saying do not tell them just excuse ourselves for 5 to 10 minutes and meditate or think of our word's.

In saying this there are also time's we do need to speak up so if we come across any of them don't be afraid it will undo all our work we are living a human experience and none are perfect we can still find our silence anytime.

Silent for a moment could be the thing we are looking for to keep our life, Job or happiness alive give it a go what do you have to loose 10 minute's max..

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