let the truth sting

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let the truth sting

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let the truth sting

Ruth is proud of Grace. That's a great feeling. Ruth is rarely proud, only really for her child. She feels like a child, but Ruth proud and that's an amazing feeling. Ruth is proud that she talked to Mark Sloan while they were hanging out at the bar. It was only for a few minutes. Ruth is proud that she's talking to someone other than nurses and it's not for medical-related reasons.

She has her hands full this week. A high patient count since five scrub nurses (yes, five) are currently out on maternity leave. Most importantly, she's with Connie, a patient that has cancer of the tongue, Charlie Yost ("Really Old Guy", as the residents seem to call him), a patient she's been on for years who just came out of a semi-coma, and Lauren Reed, but she isn't expecting a surgery anytime soon, she's just really, really, really talkative.

Grace returns to the Nurses' Station after being stuck with Lauren Reed talking about her childhood dead dog for forty minutes and the sadness that came when she realized her dog hadn't been chasing the days away on a farm. She hears the Chief questioning George, the one that is sort of married to Dr. Torres, "Are you saying that we're too old to learn new ways, O'Malley?" Referring to him and Mark Sloan, who's standing beside him. 

She ends up trying to stifle a laugh but clearly, it doesn't come out as quiet as she expected when both the Chief and Mark turn towards her. "S-sorry, sorry." She apologizes stumbling on her feet over to a computer a few feet to her left. She tries not to eavesdrop, but even her shyness can stop her from commenting on the Chief and Sloan comparing a tongue to an elbow. "Since when as your elbow been in your mouth?" When she mutters that she just stares down at her keyboard. She can hear them staring at her. She looks up and sees eyes on her, she tries to correct herself before the Chief says something, "I mean, un—unless you can lick your elbows. Well-well, bo-both can, um, bend, um, and—"

"Nurse Poulsen," Richard warns.

"Ye-yes, Chief?" Grace stuttered.

"Stop." He tells her. 

The shy girl nods before turning her chair back towards the computer. She keeps her head down until she sees a figure slide closer to her. "So, you know all about nerves, huh?" The figure revealing itself as Mark.

"Do you know how many surgeries I'm in a day?" Grace snarkily questions him without even thinking about it. Her nerves start to confront her. She's always had that mentality to apologize for anything that might offend someone.

He nods his head, "Touché." Then they sort of just stare at each other for a second too long, not sure what to say to the other. 

He's about to open his mouth to say something to her when he notices Tyler appearing behind her, interrupting their conversation, "Grace," Her head snaps behind her where Tyler stands, "Charlie Yost keeps pulling off his monitor leads." 

𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠 & 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥 [𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐬𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐧]Where stories live. Discover now