rise up

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rise up

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rise up

"I need you to sleep with Cristina Yang." Derek Shepherd told Mark as he entered the elevator.

Grace rounded the corner to enter the elevator, "Sleep around already Mark?" She whispered to him.

Mark chuckled, glimpsing over at Derek. "Even if I wasn't with Grace over here, Yang, really?"

"Anything so she isn't calling my girlfriend at midnight and wake me up," Derek answered.

Mark commented, "Too serious, humorless, un-fun, not my type."

"Yang should be your type. She's intense, intelligent, complicated." Derek described. The blonde scowled at the man's comment. "She's like a single malt scotch, and you're used to beer bongs."

"W-why are we even talking about this?" Grace questioned, shaking her head and rolling her eyes. "Whatever."

Derek faced the girl, "Sorry, Grace. You're just too good for Mark." She shrugged with a small smile on her face.

The elevator dinged, doors sliding open, the two men exiting, the doors closing behind them. Grace thought for a second before saying to herself, "Wait, am I a beer bong?"

"Okay," Grace sighed, sitting down next to Ruth at the nurses' station. "How did you tell your parents you were pregnant?" She leaned back in the chair, exhausted.

Ruth looked up from her book, "We've been over this. I was married, we'd been trying since we got married. You kissed a guy in the parking lot and then got pregnant a week later." She placed her feet up on the desk.

The blonde gasped, "That is not true! It was more than a week."

"Barely." She scoffed, eyes traveling back to her book. "When are your parents even coming? You've been talking about it since you got pregnant."

"Because they don't know I'm pregnant." Grace explained. "They're coming a week before Thanksgiving. The 20th, I think. They have to get back before the annual Patterson Thanksgiving dinner."

"Oh, the Patterson Thanksgiving dinner. What's that like?" Ruth wondered.

"I've never been to it. They started going when I graduated from nursing school." She answered. "I don't why they even go. My mother hates Mrs. Patterson because she once tried to give her bacon. Trust my mother would rather kill herself than eat bacon. I don't blame her. I've tried bacon, it's not good. I felt really guilty for that poor, poor little pig, suffering and—"

"Um, Grace, I get it that poor, poor baby pig suffering. That's why you're sweet little Gracie, who wouldn't hurt a soul. Don't worry everyone knows. Your parents know. Just tell them, you're too sweet to be rejected." Ruth stood up from her chair, pushing it in.

"Try telling that to them."

"You're overreacting," Ruth told her.

"Um, yeah, sure, I am."

"Oh my gosh, you're never gonna believe the place that I found!" Grace squealed as she gripped Mark's forearm tightly. "It's near the hospital, it's beautiful and I love it, which means you're bound to like it."

He turned his head towards her, "Really?"

"The only problem is it's a little out of what we said was our price range, but I mean you make a lot." Grace gritted her teeth in preparation for his reaction.

"How far out of the price range?" He turned to face her completely. She mumbled something quickly under her breath. "Huh?"

She looked around her, "Okay, it's pretty far, but look!" She whipped out the papers from behind her back, she placed the images of the house down on the nurses' station next to them. "It has six bedrooms—"

Mark fletched obviously taken aback, "Wait, wait, what do we need six bedrooms for?"

"You didn't let me finish!" She huffed, frustrated at him cutting her off. "It has six bedrooms, four bathrooms, marble countertops!" She notices his eyes drifting off, "And-and look," shifting the papers around, "look at that bathtub!" She pointed straight at the luxurious porcelain tub. "It's a huge perfect fit for two people. Huh huh." Wiggling her eyebrows.

He smirks slowly, "Okay." He mused. "How much is it exactly?"

"Well," Grace uttered, "it's just shy of 15 million dollars—"

His eyes bugged out, "And you think I can afford that!"

"You make a lot of money!" Grace reasoned.

"You think I have 15 million dollars lying around," Mark remarked, still confused why she was even showing this house.

The blonde shrugged, "I don't know. You make a lot of money. Lot more than me."

"How much do you make? 

"Around $45,500 a year." She told him. "How much do you make?" He looked back down at his chart, a guilty look gracing his face. Mumbling something under her breath. "Huh?" 

Mark looked back up from his chart again, "Like $250,000 a year." His eyes meeting her.

She thought before saying in a matter of fact tone, "I'm not delusional that you make more than me. Even though I do way more than you and should have your salary."

"Look, not everyone can do what I do." He excused.

"Are you arguing with me?"

He sheepishly responded, "No."

"Fine, now that we've looked over my dream house and rejected it—"

He interjected, "It's very nice, especially the bathtub."

She gushed, "And the marble counters."

"And the marble counters." He agrees.

Grace smiled at the thought of the marvelous marble counters. She turned her thoughts away from the variegated white countertops, "Anyway, I think you should move into my apartment while my parents are here."

Mark mused, "So we're going to be having a kid, living together while unwed, and your parents are going to be okay with that?."

"Uh, um, okay, you're going to have to let me think about that one." The blonde voiced, "It's better than you running into my parents in the hotel hallway since my parents are staying at the same hotel. Also, I'm not asking you to move in. You can sleep in an on-call room if you'd prefer that."

Mark didn't have to think for too long, obviously. "No, I wouldn't prefer that."

"Well, I wouldn't either." Grace showed off her pearly teeth.

Mark smirked back at her, "Well, I'll see you at home."

"Not at home, not asking you to move in. I don't need your messy stuff in my precious, precious apartment."

Mark shook his head, moving his feet away from Grace, "You and that apartment of yours."

"Well, it's was and is my baby before I have this baby."

a/n: it's been a while...i've started school and i'm already behind in work, but i did this instead so thank me. thanks for reading sweeties :)

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