here comes the flood

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here comes the flood

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here comes the flood

"Did you do it yet?" Zibby sat next to her, rolling forward on the chair's wheels. Grace didn't even look up from her paperwork. "Hello? Grace? Hello?" She kept repeating.

Though she loved Zibby dearly, she knows how to get under her skin. She knows two things for sure about her best friend that will always be true: she's impatient and she can't keep her mouth shut for long. 

Grace really tried to ignore her though. Like seriously really tried. "Zibby." She looked up at Grace with big, awaiting eyes. "Do you think I'm ignoring you for fun?" Zibby nodded causing the nurse to roll her eyes back to her paperwork. But when Zibby's annoying "Grace!"s started up again. "Z, you'll be the first to know. Okay?" Zibby responds by shaking her head wildly as Grace went back to her pen and paper.

She jumped out of her chair, jumping up and down, clapping hands excitedly. Zibby leaned over, resting her hands on Grace's shoulders, "I'm going to be the best godmother." She whispered in her ear. She stood up, skipping away, down the hall.

The blonde simply rolled her eyes, smiling at Zibby's perkiness. She turned back to her paperwork when a "raindrop" (how else is she supposed to describe it?) lands right on her handwriting, the black ink smudging. Looking up at the ceiling convinced it might have fallen and the Seattle rain is coming down on her. When she saw it was still there she was convinced that she was delusional and gone insane. The black ink still smeared on the white paper. She scowled at herself. Is she actually insane to feel raindrops hitting her? 

Quickly, standing up, grabbing her paperwork, and considering checking herself into the psych ward.

"Did you tell him?" Ruth leaned over the counter of the nurses' station. Grace looked up, shocked by the slight giddiness of the usually emotionless woman.

Ruth looked at her, widening her eyes with wonder, "Well?"

"When did you become Zibby?" The blonde asked sarcastically, reciprocating Ruth's actions back at her by widening her eyes.

The black-haired woman rolled her eyes as Grace stood up rounding the station and joined Ruth in walking down the hall, "Okay, first off, never say that again. Second, I'm assuming you're not answering the question because the answer is no." She sighed at Grace ignoring her. "So, why aren't you telling him?" The two stopped in front of the elevator waiting for it to open.

"I don't know." Grace sighed entering the empty elevator. "How'd you tell Tim?" She leaned against the wall feeling the elevator move up the shaft.

Ruth shrugged, "Well, I took a test and told him five minutes later." Grace sighed in response. "I mean, it was different for us. We were married and actually trying at the time, well, on purpose." She chuckled at Grace's death glare. "Out of all people, I would not think Grace Poulsen would be the one to have a baby out of wedlock."

Grace softly giggled, "Neither did I." She stood straight up as the doors dinged.

Water rushed into the elevator before girls gasping, Ruth turned to her, "Did your water break already?"

They both rushed out, Grace slapping her arm once she found her footing. She pointed her finger, "You need to shut up." The water cascaded down on them, "See, I swore it was raining indoors and now I know I'm not going crazy."

Though Grace thought she wasn't crazy, Ruth was giving her crazy eyes. "You sure you're not going insane?" Gesturing to all the water around them.

Grace rolled her eyes as she two dragged their feet through the water making their way to the stairs. "Oh my god!" She stopped in place.

"What?!" Ruth asked suddenly considered.

She placed her head in her hands, "I just realized. What am I going to do about my parents? Oh god." She breathed.

"Okay, okay, calm down." She comforted pulling Grace into her side, "They're understanding, right?"

"Yeah, but they're Republicans!" The nurse exclaimed. Ruth chuckled, rubbing up and down on her left arm. "I don't know how they'd react. I mean, they love me and all, but I think coming out as gay would do better than telling them I'm have the baby of a guy who just became my boyfriend."

"Aw, sweetie." Ruth wrapped her arms around her, pulling her in for a tight hug. "Maybe you could just elope?"

Grace pushed her away, "They'd kill me then if I didn't get married in a synagogue and they weren't present."

"Oh, somebody call the rabbi!" She announced, throwing her arms in the air.

The blonde rolled her eyes again as she planted herself back into Ruth's side, their feet swimming their way towards the stairwell, "Well, you know I want to get married in one too."

"Yes, I know how important your Jewish faith is to you," Ruth said.

"It is!" She confirmed as they entered the stairwell, Grace pulling away from Ruth as they walked down the stairs.

Ruth rolled her eyes, "I know that's why I said it was."

The two entered out into the hallway finally free of any puddles of water. Their pants' legs wet, "Oh."


"Can I tell you something?" Grace slid into a barstool next to a gloomy Mark. He sent her a quiet hello as he sipped his drink. "Are you okay?" She touched his forearm, comforting him.

"Yeah," he sighed, "just, my surgery got canceled and sent to another hospital because of the flood." He sipped out of his glass again. She nodded understandingly as he sat up straight changing his mood around, "Do you want something to drink?" He inquired.

Grace sighed, a slight grin on her face, "I have an answer that could either cheer you up or make you even more upset."

A confused look appeared on his face, his mind ticking before relaxing. "Which is?"

She figures he already knows the answer.

a/n: it's been a bit, but i have truly been obsessed with sims, so you can't blame me. also, for my birthday i got a shirt that says "dance it out" on it in the grey's logo. it's comfy. anyways, that's about it. i feel like i had something else to say, but i can't remember. 
oh, i remember. this chapter i wanted to throw in so many quinn fabray lines, but i held myself back from this being this entire glee script. hope you joined. okay, bye.

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