in the midnight hour

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in the midnight hour

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in the midnight hour

"Are you insane?" Mark whisper shouted. He had excused them from the table and Grace watched from her spot on her bed as he paced in front of her. 

She sighed before quickly beginning to ramble, "Look it was the first thing I thought and I knew it would get my mom off my back. I was scared and wasn't thinking and it's the first thing that came to my head."

"And you don't think it's a little weird that we're apparently 'married'"—air quotes surrounded the word—"but we don't live together, we don't have rings, and you said this after you told her you were pregnant."

She awkwardly smiled trying to calm him down. He sighed rubbing his face in annoyance. "Look," she walked over to stand in front of him, "we'll just lie or-or we could—oh my god I can't lie to them, I love them and I've never lied to them, at least not like this. I lie about eating the last cookie or staying up—"

He interjected her tangent, "Okay, calm down. There is a solution somewhere in this. Like," he paced around, thinking, "we could just get married, and then it won't really be a lie, right?"

"Well, if that wasn't the most romantic proposal ever—"

"What else then?"

"I don't know!" She shouted. She took a deep breath returning her voice to the whisper level, "Okay, we'll just go and tell them that we lied."

Mark took a deep breath and spoke calmly, "Okay, if that's what you want to do then okay." He turned around prepared to open the door.

"Wait. Okay, we'll lie. I mean, we are practically married. We'll be living together and having a baby." Finally seeming to calm down, pleasing Mark. Grace passively said, "If only someone could agree on a place."

He huffed, "One issue at a time. You ready?"

She nodded, standing up from her seat on the bed, before halting. "Wait, hold on."

"What?" Mark questioned.

The blonde ran across the room to her bedside table, picking something off. "She'll cheer up at the sight of these." Holding up a blurry photo.

"Why haven't you shown me these?" Mark quickly took the photo out of her hands to get a closer look at the sonogram. "When did you get this?"

The couple stared at the photo together as Grace answered, "I guess we were so focused on everything else, didn't think about, you know, what this has all about." The two smiled at the photo in silence. "Okay, um, let's go. We've been in here long enough."

The two rejoined Grace's parents still sitting in the same spot they left them. "Sorry, we were just looking for this." She handed the sonogram to her mother.

The image quickly distracted her parents (her mother's face beaming) until the couple sat down across from them. "I just wish we could have been at this wedding. Do you guys have photos?" Her mom asked her.

𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠 & 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥 [𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐬𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐧]Where stories live. Discover now