all by myself

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all by myself

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all by myself

"I'm so nervous." Grace voiced. Her heart raced as she squeezed Mark's hand, resting her other hand on her tiny bump.

Mark smiled up at her, "Why? You have nothing to be nervous about. You're healthy, the baby is healthy." Grace took a deep breath, exhaling. "So...have you decided?"

Grace glanced over, "I don't know. It's just going to have to be a feeling. I mean, I liked being prepared and I liked being surprised. So, I just have to think about it."

"Do I get a say?"

She leaned forward, smiling wide, "Of course! But I get the final say, of course."

Mark lightly laughed, "I want to know."

"Oh, really? I had no idea, Mark." She exaggeratedly stated.

"Well, I want to know what the mighty oak is."

She rolled her eyes, "Please stop calling it that." She pleaded.

The door opened and in walked Zibby causing Grace to gawk. "I know, I know," Zibby said as she slowly walked towards Grace's bedside, "I shouldn't be here, but I have urgent news! I have to tell you to know."

The blonde sighed, "Zibby, quick."

"Leo asked me to move in with him!"

"What?!" She exclaimed.

"I know!" Zibby smiled widely.

Grace sat up in shock, "I didn't even know you two were official."

"We moved quick. Like really quick. But who cares? I love him."

"Zibby, no!"

"What? Why?" She stood back in shock.

Grace's eyes bulged, "You're rushing into the things again, Z. You've known this guy for less than a year."

"So, you're knocked up with Mark's baby and we're all fine with it!" She shouted.

Grace prepared to yell back at Zibby but stopped herself taking a deep breath. "We'll talk about it later, Zibby."

"Fine! I'll be in the clinic!" She stomped away like a kid with a tantrum, or, well, Zibby.

Dr. Knox walked into the room, watching as Zibby left. Grace leaned over to Mark, "We're not finding out."

Grace sat down next to Ruth in the cafeteria. "God, I'm exhausted." Resting her head in her hands

Ruth took a bite of her sandwich, "Been there."

"Oh, no. Not the pregnancy." Grace turned her head to look straight in her eyes, "Zibby."

𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠 & 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥 [𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐬𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐧]Where stories live. Discover now