crash into me

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crash into me

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crash into me

"Okay, ladies and gentlemen, this is Nick Hanscomb." Mark introduced to an overly-abundant amount of nurses and doctors piling into the patient's room. "Nick was lucky enough to have me remove a large carotid body tumor from his neck." He carefully removed the bandage from the patient's neck to expose the brutal scar. "The fact that I was able to get clean boundaries is pretty darn impressive even for me." Grace resisted the urge to roll her eyes focusing more so on the patient than where Mark stood at his bedside with his cockiness.

Alex Karev shouted a "congratulations" from behind her. To which Mark replied, "Don't interrupt." He placed the bandage and gauze back around his neck continuing, "Now despite the fact that it was a wildly successful surgery, we had to dissect out deep lymph nodes in his neck. There is now only a delicate flap of skin between his carotid artery and the outside world." Nick looked around the room, worrisome filling his face, even though he probably already received this information. "That said, what am I worried about?"

Another voice answered from behind her, "I would think given the friability of the skin," Grace turned her head to see Cristina Yang—hopeful cardio god—answering, "that there's a great possibility that the, um, the artery could blow?" A questioning tone to her voice as she finished her answer.

Confirming Yang's suspicions, Mark replied, "Right." Doctor murmuring around her, then Nick assured everyone that this isn't his first time hearing the news. Grace assumed because she sure the guy would be freaking out way more if this was the first time he heard this. At least she would be. "If that happens, whoever's in the room—I don't care if it's a doctor, a nurse, an orderly—your job is to stop the bleeding. Then page me, in that order." He instructed the group. "Are we clear? Any questions?"

"They look scared," Nick observed, his head slowly turning to Mark.

Mark told him, "They're medical professionals, Nick, a healthy level of fear is encouraged." A light smile came across Grace's face at the man's explanation.

"Okay, then, if I do die, it will have been lovely meeting you all," Nick informed them all. Grace continued to smile at the boy even with his morbid message. Mark set the group free, Grace following behind Ruth slowly leaving the room.

Entering the hallway, Grace was about to make her way down to the OR floor for her surgery with Dr. Cwynar when Mark popped up beside her (okay, maybe she knew he was behind her the whole time, but just didn't want to acknowledge him for fear of Ruth's stares). "Grace." He smiled as he walked next to her.

"Dr. Sloan." She nodded at him.

Eyes belonging to Ruth peered at her, "Bye, Gra." She wished her as she remained straight while Grace and Mark took a left.

Sending, "Bye, Ruth" towards her friend, ignoring the smile Ruth made that sarcastically stated "yeah-you-and-Mark-Sloan-are-just-friends" She made her way to the elevator as Mark followed behind her, "Where are you headed to?"

𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠 & 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥 [𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐬𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐧]Where stories live. Discover now