these ties that bind

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these ties that bind

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these ties that bind

"My parents' plane just landed and we're all set for tonight?" Grace's wide-mouth smile facing Mark as he approached the nurses' station.

He cautiously smiled, "Yes." He confirmed. "Why are you smiling so wide?"

Her grin still wide as ever, "You don't like my smile?"

Mark shook his head, "That's not your smile."

Grace stood up from her chair, pushing it back. Her smile dropping to a frown. "Well, I figure if I smile wide enough I'll cheer myself up." She rounded the counter then leaning her side onto it. "Isn't there some science behind that?"

"I don't think it's working because you're not sad, you're nervous." He corrected, rubbing her arm.

She sighed, "Beyond, but more so just because I want to get it over with, but my mom insists that they're going to take a taxi to the hotel so I just have to wait for my execution over with."

Mark leaned closer, "Just take a deep breath and you'll be fine."

Grace whispered a quick thank you as he gave her a quick kiss. "I'll see you later."

Her frown raised to a small smile, "Bye."

"G!" Grace's eyes shot over to elevator doors. A very energetic Zibby waving her hand wildly. Grace moved her feet, stepping inside the elevator next to Zibby. "Okay so last—oh, my god!" Zibby cut herself off rushing to keep the doors open. "Ruthie!" Grace's eyes bugged at the nickname, knowing Ruth's response to "Ruthie." Her eyes found the woman in the crowd of nurses.

Ruth stood in front of the elevator, "Zibby, do you want me to choke you?" She quickly shook her head in response. "Then, don't call me Ruthie." Her face cringed at saying the nickname. "What does your excited self want?"

Zibby squealed loudly, "Okay, so last night me and Leo were—"

"Byrider, the intern?" Ruth questioned.

"Yes, yes." Zibby waved off. "Let me finish. So, last night me and Leo were hanging out and he kissed me!" She squealed, jumping up and down. The two simply stared at Zibby. "Guys!"

Ruth finally responded, "Wait, you slept with the creepy intern?"

Zibby sighed, her arms falling to either side of her body. "I didn't sleep with him and he's not creepy."

"Zibby, I hate to break it to you, but he kind of is," Ruth told her, Grace nodding her head in agreement.

She simply rolled her eyes. "I thought you guys would be happier for me."

Grace sighed, grabbing hold of her arm. "No, sweetie, we are, it's just—he's a little pervy." She said in a voice filled with honey.

"You're having a baby with Mark Sloan!" She screeched.

𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠 & 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥 [𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐬𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐧]Where stories live. Discover now