the becoming

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the becoming

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the becoming

"The Chief needs to know who you've slept with by the end of the day by thorough," George O'Malley handed the form to Zibby as she sat down next to Grace and Ruth. George repeated the same sentiment to Grace and Ruth.

Grace stopped George, "I don't need one." Holding the form out to hand back to him.

"Oh, really?" Zibby sighed, "Aren't you practically dating Sloan by now?" Grace had yet to tell them about the kiss(es) and the date because, well, she knows what they're going to say. It's not like they are anything serious, yet, but she would prefer not to get ahead of herself, especially with Zibby.

Grace shifted more towards her friend, "Well, you're the one who slept with him." Zibby gasped in response.

Ruth held her sheet out to George telling him, "I'm married."

Right as he was about to grab the paper out of her hand, Zibby intercepted the form, "Oh, you and I both know you slept with Malcolm from radiology."

Grace gasped, spinning in her chair to face Ruth, "You cheated on Brian?"

Ruth rolled her eyes, "It was four years ago." Looking past Grace to stare Zibby in the eye, "And someone said they'd never talk about it again. It was before I even met Brian." She explained snatching the form back from Zibby and furiously grabbing a pen and writing Malcolm's full name down.

The chair then moved as Zibby turned Grace's seat, "And you missy," she gripped her shoulder's pulling the lighter blonde closer to her so their foreheads were touching, "it is so obvious that whatever is going on with Mark needs to be written down because you" —Zibby now pointed a finger in Grace's face— "are very clearly having some relationship with him."

Grace faced forward, noticing the intern had scurried off somewhere else during the three nurses' bickering. She picked the form up off the white desk, "Well, you better start because yours is going to be pretty long." Grace muttered, standing up from her chair and preparing the leave when Mark approached her, grabbing both Zibby and Ruth's attention away from their forms.

He smiled down at her with a greeting smile and asked, "Can you talk to the nurses for me? You know, since they're boycotting my surgeries and all." The boycott has been going on ever since Olivia and Jolene "compared notes" and started talking to other nurses, even Deana.

She stared up at him thinking back to the Nurses Against Mark Sloan club or union or whatever. "Uh," she thought out loud, "yeah, no." She shook her head causing his smirk to drop, "I'm not messing with all of that." She looked down at the form in her hand. "Wait," she held the form up, "are you the reason everyone has to fill these forms out? I bet it's Olivia. Is she filing a lawsuit against you?"

When he replied, "Uh, yeah." 

Grace's mouth dropped open, "You're getting sued!"

"What? No!" Mark corrected her, "The forms are so I don't get sued."

𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠 & 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥 [𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐬𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐧]Where stories live. Discover now