what could have been ending

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what could have been ending

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what could have been ending

So I'm never going to finish this book but I hate when books are left completely unfinished. So, I'll just tell you what I was planning on doing. Maybe I'll add onto this but I'll leave it empty for now. So, here is what could have been.

Mark and Grace would have had the baby at the end of this season naming it Eve. They would have gotten married. Very spur of the moment like all things with them, very MerDer style at the end of season 6 after the shooting. Grace and Mark would have been separated during the shooting but Grace would have been in the peds ward, unharmed. Mark stays the same. Grace would have taken off work for a while staying at home with Eve, nervous to bring her back to daycare at the hospital. The "These Arms of Mine" episode would have slayed so hard. I just didn't have the energy to get there. Grace and Mark would have been super cute in the background but Grace would be with Callie calling Mark out on all his ego with the arm shit.

Grace and Callie would have been besties and would introduce Callie and Arizona. Arizona and Grace are the same person pretty much but Grace would be super supportive of Callie during the Arizona break-up period. Callie would move in with Mark and Grace. Baby Sophia wouldn't exist, unfortunately. Sorry babygirl!

I don't know what would have happened with Grace's friends. I think she would have grown away from Zibby because she was annoying or something. Ruth and Grace would have stayed friends but would have grown apart when Zibby and Grace had their falling out. Eve and Ruth's kid would have been besties though.

They would have another baby during season 8, probably a boy. Mark would die in the plane crash, sorry. I'm awful and would give the tragic ending. Grace would have moved back home with her parents helping her with the kids. She would come back for big events though. Like when Meredith had Bailey and when they bought the hospital.

If you have any questions I will answer them. Thank you for all the love. Super sorry. Love ya!!

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