haunt you every day

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haunt you every day

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haunt you every day

"Don't do that." Olivia Harper, squeaky, annoying voice interrupts Grace's train of thought while in the middle of a discussion about the care of Danielle Breton with Dr. Cwynar. "Don't smile at me." Her voice relents, making her lose her focus, turning towards the disturbance. 

Olivia's close friend, Jolene backing her up as she walks towards where Olivia stands in front of a very confused Mark Sloan. "Don't smile at her. Don't smile at, either."

"We're on to you," Olivia states. Grace apologizes to Dr. Cwynar, excusing herself to "prepare for the surgery" or really listen in on the gang up against Mark Sloan. She takes a seat at the computer across from where the ladies and the notorious man stand.

Jolene adds, "We've compared notes."

Causing Mark to question the two nurses, "Compared notes? Really?"

Olivia nods, "Compared notes. Compared pick-up lines. Compared techniques."

Mark questions again, "Techniques?"

The two girls speak at the same time, something they've started to—annoyingly—do, "Identical."

"Identical?" His questioning continues as the comment they had just made was like salt to the wound for him.

The two ladies then inform him of their new "club" as Olivia gave him the name, "Nurses United Against Mark Sloan."

Of course, the man who had slept with both ladies and whatever nurses also in this club, sexily—and hopefully jokingly—asks them, "Are there any, uh, club activities?" The two nurses scoff, picking up whatever patient's charts before storming out. 

Grace had originally planned to return to her discussion with Dr. Cwynar, but it seemed as though Mark Sloan was not having the best day as a boy sweetly asked him, "Daddy?" Looking like he was about to suffer a heart attack and Grace ready to see a family reunion, the kid laughs as Dr. Shepherd slips him a 10 dollar bill. She giggled silently, typing something into the computer. The kid really only looking for a pair of ears and if she weren't in a hospital that would sound really weird, even when she is in a hospital.

She stands up to return to Danielle Breton's room when Mark moved in front of her. "Are you apart of this"—he made a face to recall the name—"Nurses Against Me Club?"

"Well, uh, considering I'm, uh, one of the f-few nurses here, you haven't slept with so, no." She explains as Mark raises his eyebrows at her, "Sorry," she pushes her blonde hair behind her (real) ear, "that wa-was inappropriate." Mark's eyebrows drop, waving her off. "But as much as Olivia and Jolene really an-annoy me, you have a fairly large track record-d with nurses." Grace pushes past the man at the center of the club while still keeping her eyes on him, "I can see why they're against you." Taking a minute to think about what she just said, "Sorry, that was rude." Turning around to talk away, she oddly knows his eyes are focused on her as she walks away from him.

𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠 & 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥 [𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐬𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐧]Where stories live. Discover now