Chapter 2 🧡

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Somebody wanted to know what John would look like so this is it

Somebody wanted to know what John would look like so this is it

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[Veronica 🔥]: Kevin apologize

[Kevin 🍵]: Cheryl I am very sorry

[Cheryl 🍒]: Don't talk to me

[Cheryl 🍒]: Either of you

[Kevin 🍵]: Okay

[Cheryl 🍒]: I need to be alone right now

[Veronica 🔥]: Cheryl, we both love you, but are you sure that's the best thing for you right now?

[Cheryl 🍒]: Veronica. Don't

Veronica and Kevin walked side by side in the hall, looking for Cheryl. They found her behind the bottom of the stair well.

Cheryl was standing up and looking at them with her resting bitch face. Veronica gently nudged Kevin towards her, to get him to apologize.

Kevin looked at Cheryl for a good minute. He was confused as to why she had no emotion in her face whatsoever and she looked back at him.

"Cheryl I am-"

He didn't say anymore. Cheryl had slowly sunk to the floor sobbing. She made breathing look impossible and she said through her sobs "it's okay."

Kevin and Veronica both hugged her and let her calm down before helping her off the ground.

"I think I might need to get some air" she said.

"Okay. Well do you want us to go?" asked Veronica.

"I'm not sure. I was kind of thinking about going home, but my mom's gonna be there" said Cheryl rubbing her eye.

Cheryl's breathing started to become a bit unsteady and quick so she said "Kev can I-"

"Oh geez. Give me a sec I'll be quick" said Kevin.

He swung his backpack off his back and set it down on the floor. He pulled his metallic blue water bottle out of a pocket and handed it to Cheryl. Then, he opened up a small pocket on the side, and gave Cheryl a small pill bottle.

Cheryl took 2 and quickly swallowed both of them.

"You good?" asked Veronica.

Cheryl nodded. She pushed the stair well door open, and said "I'm going home."

"Okay then. I'm sorry Cheryl" said Kevin.

Cheryl gave Kevin a hug and then hugged Veronica afterwards. She then walked down the hall and into the office to tell them that she was leaving.

Fun people

[Toni ⭐️]: So are you guys good now or...?

[Cheryl 🍒]: I'm more than good. I am enjoying this day from the comfort of my bed

[Toni ⭐️]: Lucky..

[Veronica 🔥]: Hold up, does John know about this?

[Cheryl 🍒]: No..

[Toni ⭐️]: *sips tea*

[Cheryl 🍒]: And none of you are going to tell him

[Kevin 🍵]: Okay

[Cheryl 🍒]: Also there will be a party at my house tomorrow


[Toni ⭐️]: If you don't mind me asking... 💕

[Toni ⭐️]: Who's going?

[Cheryl 🍒]: Veronica, you, Kevin, John, Archie, Betty, and if I'm feeling nice, Jughead

[Veronica 🔥]: Lmaoooo

Saturday Night Bitches

[Cheryl 🍒]: Hello

[Cheryl 🍒]: Party

[Cheryl 🍒]: You are invited

[Cheryl 🍒]: Tomorrow starting at 4pm and leave by 2 pm the next day

[Archie 🙃]: I feel loved

[Betty 💕]: Fun

[Jughead 🐍]: Cheryl, you must be in a really good mood if you invited me

[John 😁]: Cant wait

[Toni ⭐️]: What kind of party

[Cheryl 🍒]: We're probably gonna play a bunch of games, maybe a movie so wear comfy clothes

[Toni ⭐️]: Thanks Cher ❤️💕

[Cheryl 🍒]: ofc np ❤️

[Kevin 🍵]: It's almost 3:30!!

[Veronica 🔥]: Kevin keeps looking at the clock every 10 seconds 😂

[John 😁]: Dude it's 3:29

[John 😁]: Im literally dying

[Veronica 🔥]: FUCK YEAH

[John 😁]: Veronica just threw her binder in the air and hit Kevin


[Veronica 🔥]: HAHAHAHHAHA

[Veronica 🔥]: I wish..

[Kevin 🍵]: I do not find this very amusing

[Veronica 🔥]: Lol wHoOpS

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