Everyone loves the hair

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I am Wind.

I always have been.

I am everywhere.

I see all.

And Winter is mine.

"There was this girl in my village," Jack said, trying to dig in his hazy memories to remember her face. "I had a huuuge crush on her. She had this cute laugh that I found so adorable, I did everything I could think of to hear it. So, you know me, I pulled silly pranks, joked around and tried to get her attention in my usual playful way but it didn't really work. She just thought I was annoying."

Claire chuckled and bumped his shoulder. "Her loss. Humor is important."

"Isn't it?"

Jack was glad she agreed with him. Too many people failed to fully appreciate it.

He enjoyed his nighttime hangouts with Claire. Who would've known that a vampire friend was exactly what an immortal spirit like him needed.

They were sitting at the edge of Jack's pond, their shoulders touching. The moon was reflected in the completely still water and Jack wasn't sure if he should look at the sky or the reflection in the pond to gaze at it.

Winter was waning but it wasn't over yet and he savored the feeling. This was his time. His strength was at its greatest and he felt at home when breathing in the brisk air.

He thought back to the girl he had a crush on back when he was human. It didn't feel like it was her loss. If only he had more time, maybe he would've gotten the courage to tell her how he felt. Time made all the difference. He lost his chance.

"Why so serious?" Claire ruffled his hair playfully.

Why did everyone have a thing for his hair? Sure, it was white like snow and that's unusual but it was just hair.

Suddenly, ripples appeared on the pond, disturbing the moon's reflection, and a strong gust of wind blew at her, knocking her to the ground where she landed on her back with a yelp.

Jack chuckled and helped her sit up. "She's warning you. Don't mess with the hair."

A gentle breeze played with it and arranged it back to its usual state. Jack closed his eyes to enjoy the sensation.

"Ah," Claire groaned, "Wind again."

"She gets jealous," he said, getting a frown from her.

She sat back next to him in the same position as before with her legs outstretched. She wore black leather boots over her leggings today which looked funny next to his bare feet.

"I still don't get it how she's this... this being but we never see her. Is she a spirit like you?"

"Not entirely. It's like she's in a different category. Not a spirit, more like a force of nature that also happens to be conscious." He sighed. "Well, I don't know much about her, I guess, other than the fact that she's everywhere and that she has been my companion from the very beginning. I wouldn't be able to fly without her, you know."

"How do you know Wind is a she?"

He smiled back. "I don't know. I just do."

Claire tucked a curly lock behind her ear and he noticed the interesting shade her dark hair took on in the moonlight. It was almost blue.

The House Of J (Jack Frost and Wind story)Where stories live. Discover now