❄ Bonus chapter - Obstacles ❄

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This chapter was written as a prompt to Trials of Love contest hosted by Romance and Fanfic profiles. Enjoy!

In case if it isn't obvious - Winter is Jack Frost. Wind doesn't care for names.


Wind traveled through the quiet human town, blew loose snow down sidewalks and entertained herself with a newspaper which she flattened against a chain-link fence. Once bored with that game, she made her way to the familiar spot where her eternal mate liked to take a rest.

He wasn't a usual nature spirit - he was human once and she normally did not care for them, but she felt something monumental change in the air when he was given a spirit life. She knew immediately that this beautiful Winter was hers when she felt his soul which was as pure as the moonlight reflected in his white hair.

She lingered around him in the form of a gentle breeze which barely teased the hair sticking out of his head. He looked at the reflection of the moon in the surface of the pond and she marveled at his beauty. He was hers forever.

A female hand ruffled his hair and only then, Wind noticed that he was not alone. She immediately recognized who it was - it was that Nightwalker!

The Nightwalker had no right touching her Winter!

Wind blew a strong gust at the female which raised her off the ground and threw her backward, away from her Winter. Then, she fixed up his hair and was pleased to see him close his eyes. He always enjoyed when she touched his hair and so she did this all the time.

"She's warning you. Don't mess with the hair," her Winter chuckled, knowing well that Wind was there even if he couldn't see her.

Wind swirled around him protectively, but to her disappointment, he helped the Nightwalker get up. Didn't he know that this female was trying to place a claim on him?

Wind moved on to the pond and disturbed its smooth surface, hoping Winter would notice her change of mood but he was as oblivious to Wind's emotions as he was to this female's intentions.

And then, the Nightwalker did what she planned to do. She claimed him by pressing her lips against his.

Wind stopped the waves she was creating and couldn't believe what she just witnessed. Why did her Winter allow this? Didn't he know that he was meant to be with her?

'Wind, take me away,' she heard when he thought of her and she immediately listened, eager to remove him from the presence of the Nightwalker.

He asked her to drop him off on the other side of the town where he gently dropped onto the roof of the tallest building. She stayed by him as he sat over the edge, propped his staff on his lap and looked up at the moon.

"Why did she kiss me?" he said and Wind wished she could reply with everything she knew about that vile Nightwalker who was trying to steal her Winter.

At least he had the sense to leave, feeling what Wind knew very well - he wasn't meant to be with that unnatural creature.

He sighed heavily and Wind wondered why it sounded so sad.

"It's not like I have options," he said quietly and looked down at his bare feet. "She is immortal after all. Maybe it's not a bad idea."

Wind blew into his face to let him know that he was making the wrong choice.

"I know," he replied, sensing what she meant, "but I don't want to be alone," he finished in a whisper and Wind couldn't take it anymore.

He wasn't alone. He was never alone. She was always with him, always ready to aid him. She was his eternal mate.

She blew at him even harder and he smiled in that crooked way she loved.

"You know, it doesn't matter how hard you blow at me. It still doesn't sound like words."

He yawned widely and produced a bank of snow on the roof where he settled himself in for the rest of the night. Wind watched over him but then couldn't stay still. She had to move and do something.

The more she flew around, the more she realized that the Nightwalker posed a greater threat than she anticipated. She had an advantage Wind didn't - a body. She could appeal to Winter in ways Wind never could.

But Wind was not a mere Nightwalker. She was a force of nature whose magic was as ancient as Earth itself. And there was something she could do.

She gathered up all of her magic in one place and poured her consciousness into it. She weaved the strands of matter until they formed a female body. She knew her Winter well and so she knew what her spirit should look like, what her Winter would find beautiful.

Once finished, she only waited for her Winter to ask to be carried again, and instead of taking him where he wanted to go, she brought him to where the newborn Spirit of Wind awaited.

The Nightwalker was no longer the one with an advantage. Wind could finally claim her eternal mate, she could be there for him and love him the way he deserved to be loved. And he would finally hear her voice.

I am Wind and Winter is mine.


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