All feels break loose

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A/N: Continuing the banner playlist, I give you Ray LaMontagne -  Let It Be Me.


Jack observed Wind as she sat quietly in front of him, her legs folded beneath her, her hands resting on her knees timidly. She wouldn't look at him but stared at the ground and so he started the dreaded conversation.

"There's nothing between Claire and me, I want you to know that." She remained quiet so he continued, "She wanted us to be more than friends, that's why she kissed me. I'm sorry you had to witness that but there's nothing more going on, I promise. She's only a friend. Do you believe me?"

After a long pause, she nodded but still didn't say anything.

"As for us..." at hearing this, she shyly looked at him and he ran a hand through his hair in frustration. "I don't know. I don't know what's going on with us but I do know that I'm not ready to give up. I think we had something there, didn't we? I've never felt like that before. I... I think I love you and I'd hate to lose that... I'd hate to lose you."

Her silence was killing him. Even if it was only for a short time, he was happy with her. He thought that maybe luck finally turned his way, that he wouldn't be alone anymore. "Have I lost you already?"

After another long pause where he waited for any reaction from her, Wind scooted closer to him. She slowly raised her hand to his neck and trailed it hesitantly from there into his hair. They locked gazes as she combed his hair with her delicate fingers, a gesture he understood. She wanted to show him what she felt in the way she always had from the very beginning when this was the only communication she could do.

His heart constricted with emotion. She's always loved him, didn't she? He was never truly alone.

"I love you too," she said softly, confirming his thoughts and he released the breath of relief. He didn't lose her. They still had a chance.

Jack realized that he had enough of talking. Talking was painful. Thinking gave him a headache. Deciding felt like a dreadful chore. He always much better preferred to act on impulse based on whatever felt right at the time. Why should this be any different? He couldn't stand the uncertainties of hurt feelings or broken trusts anymore and gave in to what he really wanted to do.

He cupped her face in his hands, bringing her to his lips and kissed her deeply, leaving behind all of his pent up emotions, fears, and doubts, hoping that their joined lips could heal the wounds in their hearts. She gripped his hair and wrapped both arms around his shoulders.

He wanted to feel the warmth of her body on him and longed to touch her. He slipped his hand under the robe and rested it on her warm skin.

She shifted her position and mimicked what he did, now running her hand under his hoodie to touch the skin on his back. He shivered at the warm contact and lost concentration of the kiss. He found that he absolutely loved being touched.

He nestled himself in her neck, giving her sluggish kisses while basking in the pleasure of feeling her soft fingers on his cold skin. She kissed his neck in return and goosebumps covered half his body.

Jack was suddenly struck by the realization that she's always done this, always tried to copy whatever he did, learning from him. Whenever he did something she liked, she would do the same to him. He smiled at the possibilities this discovery could lead to.

He lifted his head to observe her reaction while smirking mischievously. He put his other hand also under her robe, finding more skin on her back. She smiled at him in return and did the same, sneaking her other hand under his hoodie.

The House Of J (Jack Frost and Wind story)Where stories live. Discover now