Look at her eyes. Look at her EYES!

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I am Wind.

I am everywhere.

I am here.


Jack was high up, planning a gentle snowstorm when Wind did something she never had before. She stopped him, took control and led him south. He was puzzled by her behavior but had no choice but to be carried by her. 

She finally landed him far away in a beautiful meadow surrounded by blooming flowers and chirping birds.

"What am I doing here, Wind? It's summertime. I don't belong here."

In response, Wind ruffled his hair playfully and gave him a little nudge to indicate which way he should walk. He grumbled incoherently and complied while squinting at the sun.

His skin crawled with the familiar warning that he encroached on another seasonal spirit's territory. The air was thick with the lingering scent of rival magic. Summer had passed through this place earlier, creating a masterpiece of a warm sunny day.

"I'm not here on my own free will, Summer, relax," he said into the warm air just in case.

It was hot and uncomfortable and he wished for some shade.

Wind kept nudging him until finally, she led him to a little stream. When he approached it, he noticed that there was someone hidden behind a flowering bush. Was this person the reason Wind brought him here? There was only one way to find out.

"Hello, can you hear me?" he called, feeling silly for asking.

In response, the other person squeaked and ran out from behind the bush, sending several birds flying away.

Jack's jaw dropped because right in front of him stood the vision of the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, but what was worse (or best) was that she was utterly, completely, without fail, thoroughly naked.

As much as Jack would hate to admit it, he stared. She was perfect. Her straight light-brown hair fell from her shoulders and gently moved in a fluid motion, reminding him of a waterfall and he guessed that she wasn't human. Her fair skin had a warm glow to it and seemed to radiate. She appeared to be of similar physical age as him, somewhere around nineteen, and her body was simply flawless.

He'd seen glimpses of naked women before, never on purpose, he wasn't like that but you'd be surprised what people do when they think no one else is around. So, over the centuries, he caught sneak peeks of nudity by accident but always averted his eyes, knowing well that the sight was not meant for him and he didn't want to be a perv.

But this time, the way how freely and happily this girl ran up to him, he knew that this view was meant for his eyes and he was mesmerized.

"Winter!" she called. She came extremely close and gently cupped his face in her warm hands. "You found me."

His brain was entirely out of commission, he leaned on his staff for support and couldn't formulate any coherent thoughts other than, 'Wow. Just, wow.'

"I am Wind," she said while smiling up at him.

He blinked. Now, that he was looking at her pretty face, he was regaining the use of his brain and starting to comprehend the absurdity of the situation. Was he imagining this?

"Wind?" he asked, not convinced that this wasn't Sandy's dream-sand kind of joke (or a gift).

Her chuckle was a melodic sound. She moved two steps away from him. His gaze started shifting back at her body and he chastised himself.

The House Of J (Jack Frost and Wind story)Where stories live. Discover now