The attic

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Wind opened her eyes and marveled at what she felt. The night before, she felt awful. She didn't really think that sleep was the solution, and thought that maybe she caught one of those diseases she heard humans have, but finally she gave in after Jack begged her to trust him. And now that she awoke, she felt refreshed, full of energy, and ready for the next day. Jack was right, sleep was the answer.

She was about to get up when she felt trapped by something - it turned out to be Jack's arm. He was facing her back and must have hugged her in his sleep as his arm was slumped over her waist. She was thrilled at that discovery. She made him swear that he wasn't going to leave her and he kept his promise.

She turned to face his peaceful face. He was a sight to behold.

"My Winter," she whispered.

She changed her position slightly so she could put her arm over his neck and insert fingers into his hair. He shifted in response, resting his face on her other arm, right by her neck and her heart beat faster. She didn't understand why it did that sometimes but it was always whenever he was near.

Wind had combed his hair countless times with her gusts and thought she knew everything there was to know about it but now she was stunned. Being able to put her fingers through it introduced a whole wave of new sensations. His hair was cool to the touch and so soft, it was a wonder it didn't melt between her fingers. She could continue doing this for hours at a time.

She massaged his scalp and he released a satisfied, 'Hmmm.' He always loved this but she wondered if he liked it better now that she was using fingers.

Now that she knew that having a sense of touch made such a difference, she wondered what else would feel different, better. She traced her fingers from his hair down his neck, focusing on the feel of his skin. It was smooth like a polished stone and only a little cooler than her own. He constantly generated cold and her body temperature must have lowered during the night due to proximity to him.

She was the perfect match for him. What other spirit would have this ability but her? She only hoped he could see that soon.

She traced her fingers over his facial features, inspecting each detail: the brows which were mostly black but had white tips like frosting on a leaf, the curves of his nose and the faint freckles on his cheeks. When she touched his lower lip, he sighed and slightly opened his mouth. For a moment she thought that she finally woke him but he remained asleep.

She went back to playing with his hair, just enjoying the quiet peacefulness of the moment.

Just a day ago she was the Wind - the ancient force of nature. She was everywhere and thought she knew everything but she was starting to doubt that. The world was different when seen through the eyes of a spirit, her Winter was different, and most of all, she was different.

She thought that having a spirit body was enough to secure her future with Winter but it seemed that she had to work for it. Alas, how? What would it take to get him to accept their destiny together? That was her first spirit lesson.

The room they were in was interesting. The sloped ceiling exposed bare beams, the walls had only shabby wooden panels, and the whole place smelled of wood. There were very few items in there, some mismatched furniture and a few cardboard boxes. The morning light was coming through a small window and illuminating specs of dust in the air. She waved her hand to move the air current and the dust danced in swirls at her command.

It was drafty, the room obviously not fit for a human to live in it but it did not bother her Winter. He probably preferred it that way.

She thought it was very thoughtful of Jamie to prepare this room for Jack. He apparently appreciated her Winter's company so much that he wanted to give him a reason to visit more often. She wished Jamie could hear her so she could thank him for that. Anyone that took care of her Winter deserved her gratitude.

After a long while, Jack woke up with a start, raised his head and stared at her in surprise. Then, he smiled and said cheerfully, "I didn't dream you up. You're really here."

She smiled back and resumed caressing his hair. "Of course, I am."

He closed his eyes, enjoying her touch and shifted to put his head on his bent arm.

"That's nice," he said. Then, he opened his eyes, a playful look in them. "Can I try the same?"

He used the hand that was previously on her waist and raised it to her head.

"Your hair is amazing," he said, digging in, combing her hair from roots all the way to the ends.

She had to admit that it did indeed feel nice when he did that. Then, his hand traveled from her hair down her jawline and stopped when he cupped her chin.

"You're beautiful," he whispered and she felt her heart beat faster again.

Then, color rose to his cheeks like she'd seen happen to him before, and he let go of her chin, biting his lip. He moved his hand to rest on his thigh now and she did not like that. She wanted it across her waist again so she put it where it belonged. He was surprised when she did it but did not fight her.

They laid there unmoving, just staring into each other's eyes for a long time, each studying the other and both flinched when they heard a whistling sound coming from somewhere in the house.

Jack sighed. "Jamie's up." Then, he perked up at a thought, "Have you tried food yet?"

She scrunched up her nose and shook her head. She had no need for food.

"Come," he insisted and pulled her out of bed.

Jack held her hand as they went into the kitchen, and exchanged a "Good Morning" with his friend.

"Do you have anything interesting? I wanted to let Wind taste food for the first time."

The human looked inside the refrigerator and pulled out a few items, giving them to Jack who put them out on the table.

"Come, Wind. I want you to try this and tell me which is your favorite."

She sat down next to him but really didn't know what he was trying to accomplish.

"Jack, I am Wind. I don't need to eat. You should know that. Neither do you."

He just grinned and picked through the items on the table.

"I don't need to eat but I still enjoy it. You have a body now. Taste is one of the senses at your disposal. Don't dismiss it."

She finally gave in to please him. He made his selection and tried each food to test it and then fed her little pieces.

She couldn't believe that she had almost missed out on all of those new sensations. It wasn't just the diverse range of flavors but also textures and aromas, each intensifying the experience.

He was right yet again and she told herself to never doubt his judgment in the future. He obviously knew how to live to the fullest while having a body. While she was stuck in one, she might as well use it well.

She looked at the human at the table who was eating quietly and observing Jack with a small smile on his lips. She wondered what it meant.

Jack noticed where she was looking and cleared his throat.

"Um, sorry for keeping you out of the conversation, Jamie."

His friend only smiled at that. "No problem. I'm just entertaining myself by watching you. I take it she likes food?"

"I think so, don't you?"

She nodded enthusiastically, still chewing the last bit he gave her.

"So, any big plans for today?" Jamie asked with a smirk.

"I think a nice snow day is overdue, don't you think?"

Wind was happy to hear him say that. She was beginning to worry. Jack was so caught up in mundane human matters, he wasn't doing anything that was his nature. She was growing concerned that he suppressed Winter and that was the opposite of what she wanted.

"A snow day will be perfect." 


A/N: How do you like the two of them so far? 

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