All apologies

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Claire was feeling optimistic when she went to Jamie Bennett's house, hoping that Jack was there and that he wouldn't refuse to see her.

Jamie answered the door and gave her a polite smile. Jack's friend never warmed up to her which was not unexpected. Humans had a natural aversion to her kind, even ones like Jamie, who was used to the supernatural world thanks to Jack. His blood being on her menu could have something to do with that but she would never bite him.

She even promised Jack that she wouldn't feed on anyone in town when she moved to Burgess. She had been living mostly off of animal blood for the past year. She found the need to feed on humans decrease and wondered if, with time, she could completely eliminate it.

"Hi, Jamie. I hope it's not too late. Is Jack around by any chance?"

"Sure, I'll get him," Jamie said, happy to get away from her.

She stood on the porch and shifted from leg to leg nervously. The last time she saw him did not go well but she hoped she could still bounce back from that fiasco.

Jack finally came out, closed the door after himself and motioned for her to walk with him.

"I'm sorry, Jack," she blurted. "I shouldn't have surprised you like that the other night but..."

"No, Claire. I'm the one that should apologize," Jack said, shutting her up. "I overreacted," he added, looking embarrassed. "That wasn't a pity kiss, was it?"

"Of course not." Was that what he thought? No wonder he didn't take it well. But it also meant that there was still a chance. "I wanted to kiss you for a while actually."


He was surprised and she groaned internally that he never noticed the affection she had shown him. She supposed she was too subtle when giving him signs.

"Yes. I really like you, Jack, and I find you very attractive."

His eyes bulged at her confession and he slowly looked away, blushing.

'Oh, wow,' she thought. 'He's adorably shy.'

They slowly walked in silence and she wondered if she was too blunt, if she should have eased into it instead. Then, she decided that she needed to finish what she started.

'Now, or never,' she decided.

"I think we could be great together," she stirred the subject gently this time. "I'm glad you opened up to me the other night. We make sense as a couple. For example, you said, who would want you because you emanate cold, I don't mind, Jack. Your cold doesn't bother me."

Jack leaned his staff on his shoulder where he spun it in his fingers. He snuck a glimpse at her but then looked away again so she continued, "And I don't age either, Jack. We're both immortal and I think we make a great pair if you... if you just wanted to consider this possibility."

She was starting to lose her conviction, his silence defeating her confidence.

"Claire," he finally said, still only glimpsing at her, "I... I'm flattered. I am."

He ran a hand through his hair which she knew he did whenever he was nervous. It was actually really sexy and she bit her lip. She was fighting an urge to just throw herself at him right here.

He continued, "I never knew you felt this way. You've been a great friend to me and I care about you a lot but... I never thought of you that way."

His words stung herbut really, what was she thinking? Just because he was a lonely young guy, it immediately meant that he would jump on the first woman who offered, any woman? Even as plain a woman as her?

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