Kick her out!

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A/N: Instead of a picture/gif banner, today, I give you music. It's an awesome song but the video is trippin'. Presenting: Mad About You by Hooverphonic. 


Claire was still rattled after the encounter with Wind. All three of them now walked side by side to Adam's apartment where Jack was sleeping off his injuries.

What happened after she saw him a couple of nights ago? She didn't get an answer when she asked but Wind looked at the ground guiltily and Claire had a dark suspicion that she was responsible in some way.

Claire cursed her wicked fate. Why couldn't Wind look like an old hag? Instead, she was an outrageously beautiful girl, and to top it all off, unlike Claire, the spirit was just around Jack's physical age. How could Jack possibly resist a girl like that? He was probably salivating over her.

'I never stood a chance,' she thought darkly.

Claire gasped when she saw him. He was completely motionless and covered by a thick layer of frost. She tried to touch him but Wind basically growled at her.

"What happened?" she asked them again.

"I found him like that. Frost just got thicker with time," Adam responded, shifting from leg to leg. "Wind says that it's a good thing, that Winter is healing him."

Wind quietly sat down on the bed next to Jack and said in a trembling voice, "It's my fault."

Then, she laid her head on his chest and sobbed into the frost.

Claire looked at Adam questioningly and he shrugged, just as mystified as she was.

He brought in two chairs from the kitchen and they sat down next to the bed, waiting for the spirit to stop crying.

Finally, Wind lifted herself and calmed down her sobs.

"After I saw you with him, I was livid and hurt. Wind, the rest of me, felt my anger and reacted. She dropped him. I... I knew... but I hesitated. I could have stopped it. I could have saved him but... I hesitated. And by the time I realized what happened, it was too late. He fell."

Claire blinked, trying to comprehend the story. So whose fault was it? Was it hers, since she forced him into a kiss when it appeared that he had something going with Wind? She didn't know. He could've told her but she couldn't really blame him. She didn't exactly make it easy, did she? She came on too strong.

But he was still fine when he left her. She could only blame Wind for this.

"Where did he fall from?" she asked calmly while on the inside she was growing curious what a wind spirit's blood would taste like.

Wind looked at her with tears still pouring down her cheeks. "He was above the clouds, looking for me."

How could anyone survive a fall that great? Even a vampire wouldn't.

She looked at Jack with worry, praying that he was powerful enough to recover. She didn't even want to imagine what state his body was in.

Adam ran a hand through his face, stood up and spoke in a stern voice.

"I wish you would have shared this piece of information earlier, Wind. I don't think I would have invited you in."

Wind's face fell.

"Instead, you hid this little fact, acting the role of a worried girlfriend. I don't know if Jack will want you to be here when he wakes up."

The girl started crying again but the warlock was unfazed by it.

The House Of J (Jack Frost and Wind story)Where stories live. Discover now