Little blue jay

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A/N: This chapter is longer than the others but in a good way. Finally, we're getting to the good stuff.


Jack flew up to the skies with a plan. Winter stirred inside him. He'd been aching to use it and finally, he could. He closed his eyes and willed the clouds to form around him. The temperature dropped and the swirling cold moisture condensed around him.

Once he was satisfied with it, he released the built-up energy with a happy shout, "Snow day!" and descended to the ground with the flurries.

Jack loved this part, the children's look of awe at the snow gently falling around them and he delighted whenever anyone tried to catch a snowflake with their tongue. They loved the snow and in turn loved him. He started a snowball fight which turned into a street-wide war which filled the neighborhood with echoes of laughter.

To his delight, one of the kids saw him, ran up to him and gave him a tight hug with a simple, "Thank you for the snow!"

"Thank you for believing in me."

He ruffled the girl's hair and let her get back to her friends. He would never get over the joy of being seen and appreciated.

Wind was sitting on the roof of a nearby building and was looking down at him. He flew up to her, an infectious smile plastered on his face. She was giving him a different type of look, one he couldn't decipher, and he was curious about what was on her mind.

"How are you doing up here?"

She smiled warmly. "I'm enjoying the view."

He sat next to her so they could watch the street together, and she immediately put an arm around his waist to pull him in closer.

"You really have a way with children."

He hesitated, still unsure of how to act around her. She was always so forward and he had a hard time catching up to her, but finally, he put his arm around her and looked down upon the ongoing snowball war.

"They love you," she added.

"And I love them. I would never give this up. It's the best part of my life."

Jack watched the children play as snowflakes continued gently falling around them. He leaned his head on Wind's as happiness swelled inside him. He couldn't remember the last time when he felt like this. He knew it was because Wind was there and for once, he wasn't alone while watching others.

"I'm glad you're here with me," he whispered into her ear.

Then, an idea popped into his head. "Race you to the pond."

He jumped off and rode the wind with glee. He looked behind and saw that she was gaining on him. She had an advantage in flight, didn't she? Well, he had his own talents.

He threw a thick condensation of flurries at her, hoping to slow her down but she just blasted through them and now seemed even more determined to win the race. He laughed at the challenge and was met with sudden pain.

Unfortunately, he was so distracted by looking at her that he flew right into a tree.

He fell to the ground with a groan and Wind was by his side immediately.

"Are you okay?"

He smiled, a little embarrassed. "Yeah. It happens sometimes."

He rubbed his aching head, sat down, leaning against the unfortunately placed tree and laughed wholeheartedly at his clumsiness. She was still worried at first but then joined in. Crashing into a tree was worth the pain if only to hear her melodious laugh.

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