Clash of loves

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Wind wasn't sure where Jack fell. She's been searching the area, scanning it close to the ground with no luck. The fall wouldn't kill him but he would be greatly hurt. Her heart ached, knowing that she was the reason for it.

She should have given Jack a chance to explain himself. Maybe the situation wasn't as bad as she feared. Maybe that Nightwalker hadn't completely stolen him yet. She might have still had a chance, that is if he forgave her for hurting him so.

She wasn't the first one to find him. Someone was carrying Jack's body. She silently landed next to the man, startling him and he yelped.

"Who are you?" he asked but she ignored him, her eyes focused on Jack.

His body was limp in the man's arms and was mostly covered in frost. She caressed his cheek and was alarmed by how freezing his skin was. He did not show any signs of life.

'It's my fault,' she thought and her vision blurred.

"I take it you know him," the man said. "I don't know what happened. I found him like this. I was going to bring him to my place. I'm renting an apartment just a couple of streets over. Follow me."

He appeared human so she didn't understand how he could see her or Jack but that wasn't her concern now. She didn't have time for human slowness.

"Which way?"

The man pointed with his head and yelped again as Wind grabbed him from behind and flew them over to the building.

The man walked up to the door and looked unsure of what to do.

"Uh... I have to get the keys from my pocket to open the door."

"I'll hold him," she said, stretching out her arms.

He hesitated but then gave her Jack's lifeless body. She took him gently and felt his iciness transfer over to her. She closed her eyes for a moment at the shock but then relaxed as her body matched his temperature and he no longer felt cold to her.

She looked back at the human. He was rubbing his hands, badly affected by the frigid body he carried. She felt respect for him for willing to brave this level of cold to help Jack.

His hands still shaking, he managed to get his keys out and unlock the door. They climbed one flight of stairs, and once inside, he led her to a bedroom where she gently placed Jack's body on a large bed.

"He's not dead, right? He's supposed to be immortal," the man worried.

"Not dead," was all she could say.

"I'm Adam, by the way." He extended his hand to her.

She shook it and he yelped again, feeling how icy her hand was. "Ah, you're as cold as he is."

She ignored him and leaned over Jack to caress his hair.

"I am Wind," she said, without taking her eyes off of Jack.

The frost covering his body was getting thicker, so she could barely see his features. Some of it leaked onto the bed, making it look like he slept on a blanket of frost.

"I felt it when he fell, at least, I guess that's what happened," the man said. "The magic generated by that impact was so great, I felt it right from this apartment. I was curious what it was although I suspected it had something to do with him, the magic felt cold, and so I went searching. He looked awful. There was frost everywhere and... I remembered that his blood turns into frost. What... what do you think happened? How could he just fall out of the sky like that? Or, did something else happen? Do you know?"

The House Of J (Jack Frost and Wind story)Where stories live. Discover now