Quick! Someone play Marvin Gaye

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Warning: This chapter goes further than YA because I refuse to just tease. It's only mildly explicit but I figured I'd give you a chance to skip to the next chapter If you feel that you're too young for nearly-mature content. You've been warned.

Now, if you feel that you ARE old enough, dive right in. It's not just sexy stuff. Some serious feels get hit right on the head (our love birds have issues and need to get past them first) plus some delicious magic gets explored.

So, get the Marvin Gaye Greatest Hits album ready and play it for our love birds when the time comes. Among other things. Buahahaha. Now, pun time's over (only for a moment). Let's get literal. Long, juicy chapter in here. 

Who's Marvin Gaye? ⬆ Let me educate you. Check out the banner. ⬆ 


"I accept you as my mate," Jack said.

Jay's eyes widened and she threw her arms around him, squealing. She couldn't believe it.

Yesterday, she was sure she lost him, but instead, they were finally going to be mated. He returned her hug and breathed in her scent. Her heart bounced in her ribcage and she felt the strangest desire to laugh and cry at the same time.

"I don't feel any different yet," Jack said. "You said that our powers would mesh together or something once I accepted you as my mate."

"That's because we haven't mated yet," Jay said eagerly.

He raised an eyebrow in question and she declared, "We must mate now," and worked on untying her robe. The ridiculous clothing he insisted she had to wear could finally be shed.

She threw the robe down and was about to pull off the gown when he put his hands on hers to stop her.

"Leave it on for now," he said, running his hand up her arm and watching his fingers on her skin as they traced the outline of the lace. "I like the gown."

Jay didn't understand why he didn't want her bare and worried if there was anything about her body he didn't want to see but decided not to dwell on it. They could still mate with it on.

Now, it was his turn. He was wearing too many clothes. She quickly pulled off his sweater before he could argue and grabbed the waist of his deerskin pants, trying to unbutton them. The button was putting up a fight and he chuckled at her.

"Why are you in such a hurry?"

She groaned, "This cursed button. Help me here."

She exhaled, frustrated and he started to work on the button himself and she noticed that his hands were trembling. He finally got it to release, then, another one, and another but when he put his hands on the waist of the pants, ready to take them off, he froze.

She searched his face and saw worry in his features. He avoided her eyes and seemed to struggle with something internally.

She put her hands on his. "What's wrong?"

He chewed on his lip. Finally, he sighed and said quickly, still not meeting her eyes, "No one has ever seen me naked."

Jay didn't understand what the problem was but judging how he made a big deal about her nudity, she guessed that he had an issue with it. She rubbed his back, remembering how much he liked it before. He relaxed but was still frozen in the same position, his nervousness not having passed yet.

He groaned and leaned his forehead on her shoulder. "I want you so badly but I can't..."

He didn't finish but shook his head and she struggled to understand what emotion he was feeling.

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