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She opened her eyes and tried to breathe but she was hissing the air. She felt unbearable pain in her chest. Sat up but it hurt her. She falls back to the bed and reached her wound. It was so deep and she still felt that knife went across her ribs. She tried to sit up again, now she tried slowly. She held her wound. She was scared and had no idea where is she. Her heart was beating. Fast and strong. She was confused. Her last memory ... was in King's Landing. In the Throne room. She was kissing Jon Snow. She offered to rule together, and then he stabbed her. She shook her head, that is cannot be possible. She lowered her head and stared at her wound. "No" she said and a tear came out from her eyes. 
"Daenerys Targaryen. Welcome back" a red priestess walked into the room with a tray and put that on the counter next to the bed. "I was not sure I can bring you back, but it seems the Lord Of Light hasn't done with you yet." she sat down. Dany did not find the words for some seconds, she was just sitting there, in pain, and her heart was broken too. 
"What?" she finally tried to form some words
"We met before. My name is Kinvara. Here" she handed a cup of hot soup to her "Drink. You need strength." 
Dany took the cup from her but did not eat or drink from it. She was just staring at nowhere. 
"Do you ... "Kinvara leaned forward "Do you remember what happened?" 
For an answer, Dany nodded slowly. Her lips were trembling. 
"Do you wanna tell me?"
"How ... can ... I am here?" she turned her face to her. 
"I cannot answer this. Only the Lord of Light knows the answer but he gave me the power to bring you back. That means he has plans for you."
"He killed me. He.. stabbed me. The only man who I trusted... " she tried to talk. 
"Maybe it has to happen in this way. Maybe that was the price you had to pay."
"For what?" 
"Sooner or later we all get the answers. I had no idea why I had to stay here. I waited. I waited for years, to get my answer. Then a dragon landed in front of me, and handed your dead body to me." she explained calmly. "I immediately recognize you. You are the Queen who we choose. The Queen who has to bring the dawn."
"I did. I did what I think is good and they... he murdered me because of it." her eyes were in tears.
"But you are here, aren't you? You are here, and your future is here with you" she placed her hand on her stomach. "It is also a miracle. You can't be pregnant, but you are."
"What?" Dany thought it is just a dream, or she lost her mind. 
"Maybe we were all wrong, about you and the prince. Maybe it was not you, nor him. Maybe that child will be the prince who was promised."

That was too much for her. She was frightened and her breathing became faster. She felt how her chest is squeezing. 
"You better get some rest." Kinvara stood up and helped her to lie back on the bed "You need to sleep."


"I swear you are more brooding than usual. Still don't wanna talk about it?" Tormund handed a mug of beer to Jon. "It is irritating, watching your sad face all day long" he sat down opposite him and drank into his mug. 
"I can't," he answered quietly.
"This is just an excuse. It cannot be that bad." Tormund laughed "You feel yourself a shit because you left her there alone? Because you did not want to sit on that fucking iron chair? Move on."
"I wish it was all I did" Jon sighed.
"What else did you do? You fought with her until the last battle. I knew when you left, that I see you again soon because you don't belong to the south. No... "
"I killed her." Jon stopped Tormund. He was not in the mood to hear his clever statements. "I killed her. I stabbed her with a knife," he said again and looked into his eyes. Tormund remained in silence. He saw a tear in his eye. 
"Why?" Tormund asked after a minute.
"Because that was the right decision." Jon took a deep breath.
"In whose opinion?"
"Everyone" he raised his voice. 
"Everyone, but not yours," Tormund stated. 
"She was dangerous. She had plans that... would destroy the realm. She did not want to stop, not after she burned King's Landing to the ground."
"And what do you think?" 
"I just said..." Jon frowned.
"No. You said what people told you. You said the things, that you wanna believe to convince yourself, you made the right thing. What do you think?" he leaned forward.
"I don't know." Jon lowered his head "Maybe... I should just ... love her back." 
"I thought you love her." Tormund did not understand.
"I do. But... I have to tell you something." he looked at him "But promise me you won't tell anyone." Jon started, and Tormund nodded. "I am not a bastard. I am the son of Rheagar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark. My real name is Aegon Targaryen. I was... the rightful heir to the Iron Throne."
"And?" Tormund clearly did not understand, and he gives no attention, to the fact of who is he, or what is his title. He was just Jon Snow for him. Jon was happy about that. He just wanted to forget the whole thing. The thing that destroyed him. 
"Rhaegar Targaryen was my father. He is Daenerys brother." he continued. "Daenerys is my aunt."
"Who cares?" Tormund spread his arms.
"Because it is not right." Jon raised his voice. "But it doesn't matter now" he drank into his mug "She died. I killed her."
"You are the biggest fool on Earth my little crow" Tormund patted his shoulder while standing up. "You killed the woman who you love because people said it is the right thing. Your morals will be the death of you someday."

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