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Jon and Daenerys went to the hall. When they stepped in, Jon's mouth falls open and his eyes widen. He did not even come to mind when Tormund grabbed him and hugged him, while raised him up to the air. No one had time to react.
"Step back" Daario tried to step in the situation but Dany raised her hand.
"It is okay. They are... friends." she nodded with a smile on her face.
"What are you doing here?" Jon shook his head. "I... " he spotted Gilly behind him, with her two children. "Send someone for Samwell!" he glanced to the side to one of the unsullied. To his surprise, he fulfilled his order immediately and left the room.
"So you are alive." Tormund looked at Daenerys "I can't believe how lucky bastard you are. I thought that fucking dragon ate you." he laughed at Jon and patted his shoulder.
"What... how ... what are you doing here?" Jon still couldn't believe his own eyes.
"I couldn't keep listening to her hysteria. She insisted to come here, and I couldn't let her leave alone." Tormund spread his huge arms. "I hate those two idiots, who you sent for us," he stated and glanced at the Second Sons.
"Welcome to Meeren" Dany clasped her hands. She was happy in some way. She knew... Tormund is a true friend of Jon. He never left him behind, and Jon trusted him with all his heart. "I immediately prepare a room... two rooms for you," she added.
"But why... what is going on in Westeros? In the North?"
"Same old shit." Tormund rolled his eyes.
"I would not say that." Gilly took a step closer.
"Mom." little Sam pulled her dress. "I am hungry."
"Daario, please." Dany asked him "Take care of the children and give them everything that they need. Nesera can help. She is probably in her room."
Gilly hesitated, but then she crouched and told her son to go with the stranger but before they could leave Samwell entered the room. They did not say a word just stared at each other, then Sam almost ran to her and hugged all of them. Dany and Jon looked at each other and smiled. After the many things, Sam did for them... he deserved that family reunion, more than anyone. It was good to see him ... being happy.
"Samwell, your son is hungry." Dany stated "Would you please show them where they can find some food?" she was smiling at them.
"Thank you." Sam nodded and he walked out with his family.
"I assume you have many things to talk about. So... I let you." Dany told to Jon, but before she could leave them there, Jon took her hand and looked into her eyes. "I'll be in our room. Don't worry." she smiled at him. She was a bit afraid. She just hoped ... nothing will change between us because of Tormund. She had no idea what is his opinion about Jon's heritage... she remembered Jon said he was the one who put her brain to the right place... still... she worried a bit, but the next moment Jon leaned closer and kissed her lips.
"I won't stay long," he told her, and let her hands go.

"It is a fucking miracle" Tormund stated after Daenerys left the room, and all the soldiers went out. "Or you did not even kill her." Tormund continued.
"I did. Believe me. I did." Jon lowered his head. "I still can't believe she could forgive me." he smiled a bit.
"She is a rare woman I have to admit it," he answered. "And what is going on here? How are you doing? This place is fucking warm and too dry."
"Yeah, it is kinda different than the North." Jon laughed a bit. "Tormund. What is going on in Westeros? We have some pieces of information, but there is no one I trust more than you." Jon frowned.
"If I would say.. the fucking deads are might not dead what would you say?" Tormund sighed.
"That you might be right. Things are more complicated than we first thought."

Daenerys woke up next to Jon in the morning. She had no idea when he came to bed last night. She finally could fall asleep quite easily. Somehow she felt better, but she still thought a lot about her lost child. She turned to Jon, but he was still sleeping. She was just staring at his face. She loved him. She loved him so much, and she doesn't want to lose him. That was sure. He was the first... and the only man who for she could feel that way. Maybe they were really bonded. Maybe that was their destiny. No matter what the explanation is. He was the one. He proved it, many times. And he proved it even more, in the past few days. He was standing next to her, in the hardest period. He did not leave her... he did not afraid to show his feelings in front of others. Not anymore. She snuggled closer to him and he opened his eyes.
"Anything wrong?" Jon was scared for a moment.
"I just love you," she whispered barely audible.

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