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"The King?" Bronn asked Podrick "I haven't seen him in the past two days, and before that, he wanted to give me a task."
"He will, if he said it, he will." Podrick tried to close the conversation.
"Where is he?" Bronn frowned. "What are you hiding?"
"You usually not worry for others." Podrick made a face 
"He made a great promise for me if I do what he wants. I just want to be sure, I'll get those things." Bronn shrugged his shoulder. "He has to stay alive until he gives me. Otherwise, I spit on the king, and everything else." he was honest. 
"I don't know what happened with him," Podrick told straight to his face. "He did something with... Quentyn Martell, and since then he ... he is just laying in his bed, and he is so weak. He barely in his mind." 
"What he exactly did with that asshole?" Bronn stepped closer.
"I don't know. I ... think ... I... think he can jump into people's minds, but I am not sure." Podrick explained. "But Quentyn seems puzzled since that happened. Like he ... lost his memory and..."
"We didn't lose too much with it," Bronn answered. 
"You are really an asshole, aren't you?" Podrick shook his head "I have to go. I'll inform you when the King wants to talk with you."


"We have to find her," Dany told Daario and Grey Worm, meanwhile she was still searching her daughter with Jon. "And think about a plausible explanation why no one was there to keep their eyes on her," she added and run after Jon. They literally subverted the whole castle. They looked at all the rooms, all the gaps, everywhere around, but she just disappeared. Jon ran up in the stairs and Dany was standing there. Lost. She felt she can't breathe. She raised her eyes at Jon, and those eyes were filled with tears. Jon stepped to her and pull her into his arms.
"I find her. I promise" he whispered to her. "But we need to be strong. If... If... he is the one behind this... "
"I am gonna kill him" Dany swallowed and her voice was trembling.
"No. I'll be the one who will kill him." the desperation can be clearly seen in his eyes. "We need to continue the search."
"She is not here, Jon." Dany shook her head and started to cry. "Isn't it obvious?" 
"Maybe she is. Where have we not looked yet?" he asked, but Dany shook her head and continued crying. "Dany." he stepped closer to her. "I know you worry, I know you love her. I love her too, but we need to be strong, and we cannot break apart. Do you understand?" he held her face between his palms. "I need you to be the strong woman, who you are." he looked to her eyes. "Everything will be fine." he continued. "I'll go and check the basement." Jon kissed her forehead "Go and... Look around in the garden. We have Drogon here, no one can enter into the castle unnoticed." he frowned.

"The dragons" Dany realized the dragons were not in the room either. "The dragons are disappeared. Joral and Dagon. They were not in the room." she had no idea what to think. She did not even pay any attention to the dragons, her daughter was much more important. 
"Are you sure?" Jon surprised. 
"You were there too. The dragons were not in the room. I..."
"They could... taken them too?" Jon was thinking.
"They are louder than let... strangers to touch them." Dany shook her head. "They not even let anyone else touch them just me and Missandei." her mind was clearly racing. 
"Daenerys!" Daario arrived there in a hurry and he barely could breathe. "We found her." 
Dany and Jon looked at each other, then they followed Daario. He leads them to the courtyard and Missandei was really there. In the grass, and the dragons were around her. Dany did not think about a minute, she ran there, grabbed her and raised her to her arm. 
"Darling." she kissed her, again and again. "I was so worried." she cried again. Her worst fear almost completed. She felt how she loses control over her emotions when she thought they kidnapped her daughter. She squeezed her so close. Jon took a deep breath and placed his arms around them. He raised his eyes to the air, and he had no idea who he had to be grateful but he was. More than grateful. 
"Mom why cry?" Missandei asked her mother. 
"Never do it again." Dany placed her hand to the little girl's cheek "How could you ... who brought you here?" she had many questions. 
"Dagon fly out. I wanted to play," she answered so naturally. 
"You followed them?" Dany shocked and turned to Jon then back to Missandei. 
"They left me," she answered so naturally. "I have to take care of them. Sibling." she continued. That moment they loved their daughter even more. She already cared about the others, meanwhile, she was just a tiny toddler. 
"That I still don't understand, how you got out of your room." she raised her eyes at Daario and Grey Worm. 
"Door open." she shrugged her shoulder. The dragons are started to make voices, as they wanted to get their sister back. Dany crouched and placed Missandei to the ground. The two baby dragons started to jump around her. Joral looked at Dany, and stretched out his neck. Dany placed her hand to the top of his head and caressed it, then stood up. 
"So they can fly by now. Right?" Jon took a deep breath.
"It seems." Dany sighed. 
"How long can you... keep them locked in a cage?" Jon asked her, and Dany turned to him.
"If I don't want to torture them... not any longer," she admitted. "They can fly. If I still keep them locked..."
"They won't grow," Jon remembered her words from the past. 
"And I don't want to make the same mistakes, like my... " she stopped then raised her eyes at Jon "our ancestors did." 
Jon nodded. He understood. He really did. He caressed her arm and they both glanced at Missandei once more. 
"Would you forgive me?" Dany asked him and walked passed by him towards Daario and Grey Worm. "I am listening." her face changed, and she was angry at them. She could kill them with her eyes. 

"We ... have no idea... why the guards left their places." Daario started. "But they will answer for it." he continued but her face was the same. 
"They will. Just like you." she stepped closer to them. "You tried to convince me yesterday, for hours, that I need you to keep my daughter safe, and not a day passed and you failed to keep her safe." she barely blinked and there were so much fire in her eyes. "That's why I need you?" she made a face. 
"Your Grace, You know they are disciplined and trustworthy." Grey Worm told her "I am sure they had a serious reason to leave their places and they'll get punished for it. I promise"
"Is this really necessary?" Jon stepped to Daenerys and leaned closer to her. "Missandei is fine."
"And what will happen next?" Dany shrugged her shoulder. "Next time, maybe someone will sneak inside and kidnap or kill  her because of the guards think they don't have to pay attention at all." 
"We need to take better care of it." Jon tried to calm her down. "But We could have stayed with her too. Yes, they are responsible for our daughter, but first, of all, we are responsible for her. Not anyone else." he was staring at her face. "You can leave." Jon turned to the captains. "Ask the soldiers what happened, but not do anything." he gave an order. He was so firm and strong. "But if it happens again, You'll be the ones who paid for it, not just them." he straightened himself. Both nodded, and turned their back at them, and walked away. 
"I thought we make decisions together," Dany stated, while she watched they're leaving from the corner of her eye. 
"You know that was the right decision." 
"They have to learn..." Dany took a deep breath. 
"They will. Without violence. You are their Queen. They respect you and your choices. No matter what happens, but deep from your heart, you did not want to hurt them. You don't want to hurt anyone. I know you Dany, do not forget that. I know the woman behind the mask. Behind that sometimes cruel and odious mask." he smiled a bit and held her hands. 
"Maybe Ser Davos was right." Dany took a deep breath "One day ... in Meeren... He said, that ... we would be the perfect rules for the Seven Kingdoms because we... complete each other."
"And we both know he is right." Jon placed one of his hands to her cheek and caressed it. Dany frowned.
"Your arm." Dany grabbed his hand and take a look at it. "Isn't it hurt?"
"I can hardly feel it." he moved it and smiled.

"Daddy" Missandei cut their conversation and they both turned to her. He released Dany and crouched next to his daughter. Daenerys was standing right next to them and watching how they were playing. She just wanted peace and this. Nothing else. She could have spent her whole life watching her love and her daughter playing with each other, meanwhile the little dragons fly up over and over again. They practiced flying. Joral was better in it than Dagon, and he has risen quite high. Dany started to worry a bit. She knew if they leave the Island... maybe they get into some trouble. She kept her eyes on Joral, but when he went too far Drogon immediately appeared right next to the tiny beast from nowhere and directed him back. Joral landed in front of her and Drogon followed him. The field trembled a bit when he landed. Dany walked closer to him and caressed his huge face.
"They'll grow up soon and you don't have to fly alone anymore. I promise I won't let anyone hurt them." Dany was talking to her first son with a smile on her face. "Gendry will make armor for you too." she continued, and as if he understood, he raised his head up, and shook it. "You need it." Dany smiled. "You are not that immortal as you think." she followed his head with her eyes, but not a minute passed, and he placed his huge head to the ground. 
"How long does he grow?" Jon asked her. He was still sitting right next to Missandei in the grass. 
"I have no idea." Dany shook her head. "According to the books, Balerion was the largest one, but I have no idea how big he was. And I will never know." she still stroked Drogon's head.
"Maybe we will. As I know all the dragon skeletons are in King's Landing. In a basement. My father told once... Robert kept them as a reminder, that he won the war." he answered. "I am sure the head of Balerion is there too." he guessed. Dany was staring at him for some more seconds, then turned her back at him and walked a bit further. Jon did not understand. 
"Do not move anywhere," he told to Missandei and stood up. Drogon also followed him with his eyes. He walked to Dany, and he placed his hands to her arms, from the back. 
"What's wrong?" 
"I ... also try to forget, that I burned down the whole city of King's Landing, but it is not that easy." she took a deep breath "I don't think... anything that they kept there... survived. I destroyed everything that got in my way." she sighed. "And I ... felt the same feeling today. When I thought... they ... kidnapped Missandei, I needed all my strength to hold back my anger. To not fly there immediately without any questions and do the same thing again." she was honest, at first she was afraid to tell him, but she knew she has to trust him. 
"That day" Jon started "when it happened. I looked into your eyes, and those eyes were not the same. Those eyes were empty. But today, those eyes were not like that. Those eyes filled with love and worry, and you forget the most important thing." he took a deep breath.
"What?" Dany glanced at him over her shoulder.
"Now you have me," Jon answered and pulled her closer and placed his arms around her. 

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