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"How long have we been here?" Dany asked Jon quietly. They were still laying on the bath, together. In silence. Peace. In love... he was caressing her and wrapped his arms around her. She felt calm and still. She needed that. She needed that man to love her. To stand beside her, and save her from herself. 
"I don't know." Jon smiled "Does it matter?" 
"No." she gently caressed his arm. "No, it doesn't."
"Can I ask something?" Jon continued.
"Yes." Dany nodded and stared at how his fingers kettle her palm. 
"When you told me... you wanted to push me away because you love me. I don't understand." ha frowned. 
"You are a good man Jon." Dany took a deep breath. "You always want good for everyone. Even... "she stopped. She knew when he did that, he wanted to save everyone else, even if he had to sacrifice his love... her. "You deserve someone who can give you happiness. And ... not me who destroy everything around herself." her voice was trembling.
"That is not true." Jon squeezed her even more.
"It is true." Dany leaned forward a bit, to escape from his arms. "I ... when everything is perfect around me, I've always... destroy it, in a way or another. Maybe I am doomed, as much as my family was."
"I am your family too." Jon leaned closer and placed his hands to her arms. "Maybe we are all doomed in a way, but I don't want to live that doomed life with anyone else. Just with you."
Dany smiled a bit, and glanced at him, above her shoulder. Jon placed his palm on her face. They were staring at the eyes of each other, and he leaned a bit closer. He wanted to kiss her, but that moment someone knocked on the door. 
"My Queen!" someone shouted "Jon Snow? My Queen? Are you here?"
Jon and Dany frowned and looked at each other, then Jon almost jumped out from the bath and pulled his pants on. The water was dropping to the floor from his body. He walked out from the bathroom and walked towards the door, while the knocking became louder
"What happened?" Jon opened it finally.
"The Queen?" the soldier asked, and he looked worried.
"She is having a rest, what is going on?" 
"Your daughter..." he started, and that moment Dany came out from the bathroom too, and heard it. She was wearing a thin silk sheath, and she did not wait until he says any other word. She almost ran passed by them towards to Missandei's room, and they followed her in a hurry.

"I don't think it is a good idea to touch them." Davos was still standing at the door with Missandei in his arms, while Arya was crouching next to the little dragon on the floor. She wanted to touch it. That creature amazes her, just as Drogon earlier. 
"Don't worry." Arya smiled and she took a small move towards the dragon. 
"What happened?" Daenerys arrived there and immediately removed Missandei from Davos' arms, and held her to her chest. "Are you okay honey? What happened?" she frowned and worried. She couldn't even imagine if anything happens with her daughter. Not after she killed her own son with her irresponsibility. 
"Dagon!" Missandei pointed to the room with her tiny hand, and Dany took a step closer to see.
"Davos!" Jon arrived there too and he relaxed a bit when he saw Missandei in Dany's arms, but she was staring at something and took some steps inside the room. "What?"
Davos did not answer, just stepped away from his way, and let him follow Daenerys. 
"Look" Arya smiled at them, while she was still crouching next to the little creature. "The eggs hatched." Jon immediately watched Daenerys' reaction. Her mouth falls open and froze. She was standing in one place and couldn't take her eyes off of the baby dragons. 
"They are so small. Drogon was that small too? Or?" Arya was excited and keep asking questions. "Was he bigger? Their scales are so beautiful." she continued.
"Arya." Jon tried to warn her it is not the right moment. He was afraid of Dany's reaction. He had no idea it is a good thing or a bad. 
"Dagon!" Missandei said again and Jon kept his eyes on them. Arya saw there is something wrong, and she stood up. Took a step backward from the dragons and watching Dany. She handed Missandei to Jon and walked closer finally. 
"Dany!" Jon was ready to defend the dragons if it is necessary. He couldn't tell she wanna hurt them, or just want to touch them. He followed her. She crouched to the baby dragon and the little beast immediately jumped a bit closer to her. When she stretched her hand towards it, the dragon sniffed it and stepped more close. Placed his wings around her arm. She was speechless, and her eyes were in tears. "Dany?" Jon tried again, but she did not pay any attention to him at all. She took the baby dragon and placed it next to his sibling on the table. They huddled together and staring at Daenerys. They opened their mouths, as they were asking for food. Like babies from their mother. 

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