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"As I see your plan... works well. If it is still just a plan." Daenerys ordered Daario to the map room when Jon went back to Samwell and Jenifire to figure out what to do with his bond with Ghost. 
"If even you believe it, that means I play my part well," he answered satisfied. 
"Not just me, even Jon Snow saw and believe it. That your intentions... are right and you really interested in Sansa Stark." She glanced at Daario. 
"My charm never let me down." He smirked.
"Did she... ask you to help her to talk with Tyrion?" Dany looked at him. 
"Not yet." Daario shook his head.
"Then you haven't gotten close enough to her then. Maybe your charm not works that well as you think." Dany raised her brow.
"Why is that important? I mean what she wants. You would never allow her to..."
"I want you to pull this request out from her, and help her to make it happen without my knowledge." Dany was definite. 
"I don't understand. I thought you don't trust that dwarf." he shook his head.
"If you help her to talk with Tyrion behind my back. She'll put her trust in you more, and maybe she is going to open about her other plans. Against me and my family." Dany explained. "But you have to play your part better."
"You can count on me. Always." he bowed with his head. 
"I know. That is why you are the best for this task. I trust you Daario Naharis. I never had to question my confidence in you. And I hope it will never change." 
"There is nothing that can change that." 

"What does that mean?" Jon asked Samwell then he turned to Jenifire. He needed answers not just guessing. He looked down at his hand. Ghost heals quickly, but if they can't stop this connection, he knew he doesn't have any other chance when they arrive than lock him into a cell, to keep him safe. 
"That preparation... potion... whatever Samwell made for you to remember what you did when you were in Ghost's body. In human language... it ... "Jenifire tried to explain it "Opened a gate in your mind, which was not allowed that connection so far. You linked and whatever happens with him it happens with you." she admitted. 
"Then find a solution to it." Jon shook his head, and leaned back on the chair.
"It is not that easy. I've already told you, I ... am not sure of my knowledge of these things. I ... don't have the necessary books and..." Samwell tried to explain. 
"Sam." Jon looked at his face. "Ghost is not a puppy, he ... "
"Oh don't worry about that. A direwolf can live at least 100 years." Sam made it clear. "Of course if he doesn't execute sooner. By huntsman."
"Or does not become undead," Jenifire added, and they both turned to her. "We should not forget that option either." 
"Until that bond is ... alive... we can't let Ghost to fight in this war."
"You don't need a war to this," Jenifire stated. "The deads are on their trail. One bad move and they reach them before Yara Greyjoy can safe them. That would be tragic." 
"You can be really optimistic and stimulating," Samwell mentioned.
"She is right." Jon lowered his head. "First of all we have to hope, Yara and everyone else, can board the ship, and leave in time."
"You can help them." Jenifire was thinking and she said it loud. "You can... arrest the deads." 

Daenerys was outside, with Drogon. She tried to try him the armor that Gendry made for him. He doesn't like it it was clear. He shook himself, and it was hard to even for Daenerys to stay on his back.
"Shhhh" she caressed the neck of the beast. "We want to protect you," he told him, while she was trying to tie the thin material. Drogon roared one, and Gendry made a step back from the beast.
"You don't have to be afraid. He won't hurt you." Dany laughed at him. 
"I prefer to keep the distance," Gendry answered and that moment Drogon turned to him with his huge face and smelled him. Dany was just smiling. Gendry became white as snow. "Do not scare him," she whispered to Drogon. Drogon blinked one, then turned his head back. When Dany finally could tie together the armor, she gets off from the back of her son. 
"I don't want to doubt you but... are you sure it is able to prevent the spears and arrows... to hurt him?" Dany was still unsure. She felt how thin that armor is. 
"I tested it. Nothing can go through it. It's this specialty. I did not want to make him slower. It is the lightest armor ever made in the Seven Kingdoms." Gendry told her.
"And the first armor that made for a Dragon in the Seven Kingdoms." she glanced at Gendry. "You are really good at this Lord Baratheon." 
"Mommy!" Missandei pulled her dress. "Why Drogon needs this?" she asked her, then turned to the huge dragon.
"Because... "Dany crouched next to Missandei "He is ... my children too. And I want to keep all of you safe. No matter how big he is... he is ... vulnerable." she caressed her face. 
"Do my brothers get a dress like it too?" Missandei wondered.
"They... " Dany sighed and tried to answer "They ... are still growing. And their size change very quickly. We can't make a dress for them, not yet." she smiled at her daughter.
"But I want to protect them." Missandei made a sulky face.
"I'll see what I can do about it princess." Gendry crouched next to them too, and Missandei jumped to his neck with a huge smile. 
"Thank you," Dany whispered to Gendry and stood up. 
"Do you want to help with it?" Gendry stood up with Missandei in his arms. 
"I don't think..." Dany shook her head.
"Don't worry. We just go to her room and draw some dresses for the dragons. That is the first step. The design." he answered and Dany nodded with a smile. Gendry was really kind and helpful. He was so good with Missandei. Dany saw how two unsullied soldiers escorted them back to the castle. Grey Worm and Daario took their tasks seriously. 

At the moment they disappeared at the entrance of the castle, Jon came outside, and Jenifire followed him. Dany started to walk towards them. She was sure there is something... maybe they got to know something important about that bond. Jon stopped against Dany, but Jenifire walked on. She wanted to see the clouds. She wanted to know how much time they have. 
"What is it?" Dany looked at Jon's face. "Can they cancel that bond between you and Ghost?" she asked him
"No... there is no solution for that... not yet, but... "Jon swallowed
"But?" Dany was worried.
"Sam is working on it. He promised." Jon nodded then his eyes stopped on Drogon and his new shiny armor. "Gendry finished?" he surprised.
"Yes. We just tried it on." Dany smiled. "He hates it but... if that can keep him safe..." 
"Right in time," Jon whispered under his nose.
"What do you mean?" Dany raised her eyes at him.
"I was afraid of that" Jenifire walked back to them "The storm is getting closer," she warned them.
"What are you..." Dany looked at Jenifire then turned to Jon "What is she talking about?"
"I am afraid of Yara ... can't save everyone in time. Not without our help." he glanced at Drogon. 
"You have to arrest the Night King and his army," Jenifire told straight to her face. "That is their only chance. Or they reach them before they could leave the shores."
"What?" Dany did not really understand.
"If Ghost dies. He dies. If Ghost turns into a wright he ... " Jenifire explained without hesitation.
"Turns into a wright." Dany finished her sentence. 
"I assume you don't want this to happen," Jenifire suspected. "Your dragon can hold them up. Arrest them until all board to that ship."  
"I... I go." Dany nodded and she finally understands how important the situation is.
"We go." Jon made it clear.
"No." Dany shook her head. 
"Dany I won't let you go there alone" Jon was staring at her face
"And I won't let my daughter alone here. Not now. Not with... your sister here." She answered. 
"You need to make a decision ... as soon as possible." Jenifire cut the conversation between them. 
"There are many people who can take care of Missandei until we are away." Jon tried to convince her. "Daario, Nesera... Jenifire" he pointed to the dark-haired woman. "Grey Worm. She ... nothing can go wrong."
"We would just slow down Drogon... if both of us go." Dany was still not sure. 
"It is a huge dragon. He... he is a huge dragon." Jon corrected himself. "He doesn't even feel one or two people is on his back." 
"Jon... I... "Dany shook her head and frowned.
"We don't have time for this. They don't have time for this." Jenifire warned them. 


"Hurry" Tormund tried to be louder than the snowstorm. He hurried the people. He trusted Jon and he had nothing left just hope that it was really him... in Ghost. It must be him. If he did not send help to them... then everything was in vain. He felt that before, he knew they are close. The deads. That was not a question anymore. He just couldn't understand, how they can move that fast. Maybe the Night King wanted a larger army, and they were the perfect target for him, to get that he wanted. He went forward, and when he reached the shore, he saw a blurry shape, then while he walked closer he saw the contours of the ships. 
"I can't believe." he started to smile, and he heard how Yara ordered her men to help them. 
"We thought... we are late," Yara told Tormund when he finally reached her. 
"I don't know how much time we have." Tormund glanced back above his shoulder. 
"Move. Get on." Yara told him:
"No. Not until the last person is saved." He turned back to the people. "I promised them I'll save them. I promised them they won't get hurt." he gathered all his strength together "If I have to I'll fight with those fucking zombies alone." he was determined. 
"You don't have to fight alone." Yara placed her hand to his shoulder. "We have to save as many people as we can." she pulled out her sword. 
"Thank you" Tormund answered and they walked among the people in a hurry, and tried to encourage them. 
"Those clouds." Yara looked up and her gaze stopped at the air.
"Those damn clouds followed us all the way. Getting closer to us day by day." Tormund made an angry face. "He wants us. But I promise to the old gods and the new, I won't give him any man to his army. Even if that costs my life." he hurried up his steps and Yara followed her. There were many people. Too many. She was not even sure they'll be able to save everyone. They should have left Dragonstone sooner. It's good that she did not wait to leave until the morning. Jon was so willfully and determined about it, and he was right. If they would have wait until the morning it would be too late. That was sure now. 

She jumped back when a huge wolf jumped in front of her. It was Nymeria. 
"They are with us," Tormund told her and glanced to the side. Ghost was there too. Next to him. They were grumbling... both of them and stared the distance in the snowstorm. They clearly tried to stop them. There was no one else around. They reached the end of the crowd. They made their steps backward and the two wolves have accompanied them. Tormund narrowed his eyes, and he saw how some figures are coming out from the whiteness. Some blue figures on black horses. Their eyes were gleamed blue they can saw it from that also from that distance. 
"RUN!" Tormund shouted to the people who were walking at the end of the crowd. "RUN!"

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