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"Where were you?" Jon asked his sister nervously when she finally entered into the map room. "I asked you to come immediately!" 
"I am not your subject. I am your sister. And I am here to help." she answered confidentially, and they were staring at each other. Jon took a deep breath and sighed. Arya saw how much he worries. She walked closer to him and placed her hand to his shoulder. 
"Everything will be fine. We'll find her," she told him quietly, meanwhile, Gendry was standing right behind her in silence. 
"No." Jon took a deep breath and turned to her. "You have to stay here. I need someone who keeps my daughter in save."
"I can do that" Gendry took a step forward, and both of the Starks raised their eyes at him. "I mean. Arya is a great warrior, you need her there, if ... I... want to help."
"I appreciate it but... "Jon started.
"You can handle the hammer well, but that is not enough," Arya answered to him. Gendry gave him an angry look. He was disappointed. He considered himself a good warrior but he felt in that moment, he'll never be good enough for the Starks. "But... he is right" Arya continued "You need me there. We don't know how many men they have, and we can't attack them with an army. One bad move and she'll die or Missandei. I know you wanna save them but you have to think with a clear mind."
"We are going with you too." Daario took a step forward. Jon made a face, but he knew... he needs him, and the Second Sons, they knew the city the best. He was still mad at Daario. For many things, but now he had to put aside his their differences. Daenerys would want the same. He raised his head and nodded towards Daario.
"And we also going with you." Grey Worm stepped ahead.
"No. We can't take an army there. Just 10 good men. Nothing else." Jon frowned. "The unsullied is one of the best-trained armies in the whole world, I won't deny it, but not for this task." 
Grey Worm stepped ahead to say something, but Daario stopped him and grabbed his shoulder.
"He is right." 

Everyone was surprised in the room. That was a rare moment when these two men agreed on something. Even they were surprised, but now both of them wanted one thing. Save Daenerys. 
"Your task..." Jon started "Is to keep my daughter in save. To keep... her daughter in save" he made a clarification "Because she would never forgive to any of us if something happens with Missandei." he looked around. 
"I would have a suggestion" Yara started. 


"Where is the King?" Tyrion asked Podrick. 
"He sent me away. He has been locked in his room for hours now," he answered, and sighed.
"You spend a lot of time with him. Didn't you notice something strange?"
"He is strange" Podrick leaned closer and almost whispered.
"I know." Tyrion rolled her eyes "But anything stranger than usual?" 
Podrick did not answer. He just stood there in silence. He was a loyal soldier, no matter who he served. Not because he feared his life, just because he was that kind of man. A loyal and noble one. 
"Podrick" Tyrion saw there is something wrong, and he tried again. "You can tell me, I want to help." 
He looked at the door, then looked down at Tyrion. 
"What did you see?" Tyrion frowned. He really wanted to know. He was more surer day by day, he made the wrong decision when he offered to choose Bran, The Broken to be their King. "Pod."
"I did not see it. I just heard." he started. "I heard he... shouting."
"Shouting what?" 
"Ahm..." Podrick hesitated. 
"Podrick. Tell me!" Tyrion insisted. "What did you hear?"
"My Lords" Sansa entered into the hall, where they were talking. She nodded towards them, Tyrion rolled his eyes. He wanted to know what is going on, and Sansa arrived in the worst minute. 
"I ... I have to go. I have to prepare lunch for the King." Podrick stuttered, then walked away from them. 
"What are you doing here in silence? You wanted to convince him about your thoughts?" Sansa took a step forward and crossed her fingers.
"You know that I am right. You feel it" Tyrion answered. 
"I just know, soon my army arrives, and we'll protect the Kingdom from the enemy. Before she burns everything to the ground." Sansa told him, then started to walk towards the door, to meet with her brother, but the guards stopped her. 

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