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"This is an unnecessary waste of time," Daenerys stated after Tyrion told them Sansa is in the palace, locked up. "We've already known those things. He said nothing useful, as usual." She added and glanced at Tyrion. 
"The King... is strange." Tyrion swallowed. "He lost his mind. He did not care about anything just... just to kill you." 
"Oh, and I am sure, that you are a great hand and happily help him." Daenerys couldn't hide her nervousness. She continuously answered so clinically and sarcastic way. 
"Dany." Jon took her hand but she turned back to Tyrion.
"What could I have expected from you? You are a Lannister. You'll always be. You wanted to see me dead since the first moment when you joined me in Meeren. I was just a fool and believed you" she stepped closer.
"That is not true." Tyrion shook his head. "I believed in you. With all my heart."
"Until you got to know, there is a better ruler. With a better bloodline. Oh, and he is a man of course. Wonder, which was the moment, when you decided to betray me?" she did not stop. "Right at the moment, when Sansa Stark tells his secret, or it just happened later? I really want to know."
"You burned down the whole city of King's Landing. You became just the same as your father." he straightened and answered, there was nothing to lose for him anymore. He knew... if he hesitates he'll probably die. If he tells the truth he'll probably die too. So there was nothing to lose for him, anymore. Dany's face changed. The words stuck in her. She just swallowed. "You killed thousands of innocent people. That was the moment when I decided to not support you anymore." he looked into her eyes. "I was the one, who tried to convince Varys that he is wrong. I should have not told him. I've made a mistake, but my mistake is nothing compared to yours." 
"The past is gone." Jon stepped next to Daenerys. 
"So that was the moment when you decided to convince Jon Snow to kill me." Daenerys felt how the tears are coming to her eyes, but she decided to not give him the pleasure to see her weakness. Not anymore. "Then you betrayed him too. He made the dirty work, he killed me, then you banished him to the Wall. Did you ever faithful to anyone? Except for your family of course." her eyes were on fire. 
"I was faithful to you," he answered and then after some hesitation, he continued. "I've loved you. I was in love with you, I would have done everything for you, until that day. I sent my friend to death when he betrayed you." 
Dany tried to answer, but his words caused her a bit shock. She had no idea. She never thought... 

"We should go back to the topic of my sister." Jon caressed Dany's arm. She was clearly embarrassed and surprised. "We don't have too much time." 
"The dornish prince. He is the key." Tyrion tried to follow Jon's idea. "He wants to marry Sansa, because of power, because he wants to grow, but Bran has no other army who can fight for him. He definitely looses without the dornish army." Tyrion continued.
"Why did Sansa even agreed to this marriage?" Jon shook his head.
"She did not. She ... manipulated by her brother. She wanted to help him, but ... Bran told us Arya is your prisoner. That is why Sansa wants to help the King, even if she knows there is something wrong with him."
"That is a lie." Jon raised his voice. "Arya wanted to kill Daenerys when she arrived. Then she stayed with us, by her own will. No one forced her. No one forced anyone to stay or come to Meeren. They all came there, by there own decision." Jon gesticulated so heavily. 
"He lied to us. He lied to everyone. I don't know why." Tyrion shook his head and tried to think. 
"We know." Jon answered "But it is not the right time to tell you." he glanced at Daenerys but she did not even pay any attention to them. She was standing at the window. She heard their talk, but Tyrion's words kinda shocked her. "I still don't know I can trust you or not." Jon continued. 
"I understand." Tyrion nodded
"What do you offer to do with the dornish army?" Jon asked him.
"Ask a meeting from Quentyn Martell. He wants to be on the winning side, and right now that is not King's Landing."


"Do you mind if I come in?" Gendry asked Nesera when he entered into Missandei's room. 
"What are you doing here Lord Baratheon?" Nesera smiled at him.
"I ... thought... maybe I can replace you. We... spent such much time together with her lately and... I want to help" Gendry explained. 
"You feel useless?" Nesera immediately recognized it. 
"Kinda. I ... have no idea what to do with my time. I mean... Ser Davos stayed in Meeren. Jon has many other things to do. Sam... just reading all day and night. He doesn't even stand up from the books."
"And your love is somewhere out there, and it makes you crazy," Nesera added.
"Yes." Gendry nodded and lowered his head. "At least when I am with her, I do something for them. I help them. And... it avoids my attention from Arya." he took a deep breath. 
"Well, we have to ask the princess she wants it or not?" Nesera looked at Missandei who was playing in the center of the huge bed and she was smiling and laughing. Gendry walked closer and looking at the little girl. 
"I envy her," he mentioned.
"You shouldn't." Nesera sighed. "She is in the greatest danger. She was in danger when she not even yet born. Being a Chosen One... in not a blessing... it is a curse. We can just hope... she can have a long life and nothing wants to take it away." 

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