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Jon left Missandei with Ser Davos for the night. One last try. He had to try it, but ... that did not go well.
"What happened?" Davos surprised when he came back to the room. Jon shook his head and stared at the floor. 
"They did not let me in." he raised his eyes at Davos. "I went to our... common room, and they ... " Jon couldn't believe that really happened. 
"What? Who?" Davos frowned and trying to figure out what happened.
"Grey Worm and some unsullied soldiers. They've told me ... she ... doesn't want me to be there. With her." Jon tried to process it. Tried to understand it. He sat down to the edge of the bed. Davos remained in silence for a minute, then he sat next to him.
"This is a huge loss for her. A terrible loss. It must be hard for her to process it. Give her time and..." Davos placed his hand to his shoulder.
"It is a huge loss for me too. It was my child too." Jon looked at Davos, and he started to cry. Davos placed his arms around Jon. He never saw him crying. Not in that way. He was scared and lost. And at one's wits end. 
"Maybe she is afraid ... of facing you." Davos tried to think. "Because maybe she thinks... you think it is her fault, and she is not ready to face you." 
Jon took a deep breath and wiped the tears away from his face. 
"I would never tell her that. She should have known." Jon answered.
"One thing you would never say that to her... but the other thing is what do you think from your heart?" Davos sighed. 
"It was... an ... an unfortunate accident." Jon tried to answer.
"And from your heart?" he asked him again. Jon turned his face to him, but he couldn't answer. "See... that is why she is afraid of you. Not because she doesn't love you. Just because she is scared."
"She is... not completely herself." Jon was thinking.
"Neither of us would. Daenerys is ... not ... blunt. She knows and she feels ... even if we want to say it loud or not... that was her fault. I ... of course, I have no idea what is going on her mind right now, but I am sure time will heal that wound. Just give her time." Davos explained his thoughts.
"I don't want to blame her. She did, that she thought was right." he raised his eyes at the eggs. "Drogon took her there for those. For those eggs, eggs that may have never hatch." there was sarcasm in his voice. "I should have gone with her." he sighed. "Then I could have protected her."
"Or the stone men would have taken you to pieces," Davos stated. "You and her... survived many things. You have to have faith. In your love." 
"I am afraid my faith is not enough" Jon sighed and walked to the balcony. 


"I love you, baby. Forever" She whispered to Missandei's ears then she heard steps from the back. She knew it is time. She gave a kiss to her small cheek and placed her back to the bed. 
"Are you ready?" Davos standing there with a serious and calm face. 
"I am" Dany nodded and followed him. They were walking outside and the people around just staring at her in silence. Those were dark glances. There was no happiness around. Just anger and fear. When she looked down she saw her hands are linked. She tried to spread it but she couldn't. When she glanced at her back Gendry and Yara accompanied her towards a big stage. She started to see blurred and the words of the people around became louder. 
"Child killer. Mad Queen. Witch. Whore. Child Killer. Mad Queen..." the words mixed in her head and when she finally could open her eyes she saw a raven flying towards her, then it disappeared. She tried to talk, tried to scream but no voice came out from her mouth. She couldn't even command her feet. No matter how much she wanted to stop, she just followed Davos. When they arrived at the stage, Jon was there. He spread his arms and walked closer to her, then hugged her. Gave a kiss to her cheek, and somehow her hands were free again. She placed her arms to his neck and hugged him. 
"It should not have been in this way," Jon whispered to her. She took a step back to look into his eyes. There was something strange in his voice, but it was too late. At that moment that dagger was already on her stomach, and then she felt another from the back. She falls to the floor, and Jon leaned over her. "We should have been a family, but you killed our child." 
Dany tried to answer, tried to open her mouth, she wanted to yell, shout, but she couldn't say a damn word. She blinked, and the next moment Jon was not there anymore. Just the darkness and the darkness had eyes. Dark eyes...
"You don't deserve to live."

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