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Drogon landed on the field, and Daario returned with them on the dragon's back. Daenerys did not say a word since they said farewell to Quentyn Martell. They get off from Drogon and he immediately flew up to the air. 
"Daario!" she sounded so confident and a bit angry. "I want to talk with Tyrion Lannister. Now!" she ordered him. He frowned and wanted to ask why, but she raised her eyebrow. "I said now! Bring him the map room. Immediately!" she ordered him. He realized there is no time for questions right at that moment. He left them in a hurry.
"And you" she turned to Jenifire. "If you ever make offers again without my permission..." she took a deep breath.
"You know there was no other option," Jenifire answered so calmly. 
"Let me decide there is another option or not." she stepped closer "It is not for you to decide." her eyes were on fire.
"You wanted to answer him the same words, that I've told him. You were just not sure. You hesitated because of Jon Snow." Jenifire probably one of the few who was not afraid of her. She told her opinion straight to her face. "I only helped you to make the right decision."
"That was the last warning. Keep that in mind." Daenerys warned her and turned her back to Jenifire. She hurried her steps towards the castle. Yes, she wanted to answer the same to Quentyn Martell but she won't let anyone tell her what she should do or answer questions instead of her. 

Jon laid back to his bed. He knew he has to be patient. He was sure the first thing Dany will do is to go there. Or the second. After she checks their daughter. Several minutes passed. Too many minutes, or he felt it was too long. He sat up on the bed, but that moment the door opened. He immediately started to smile, but it was not Daenerys.
"Nesera, what... where is she? What happened? Is she injured?" Jon jumped up.
"No. No. She is not. Everything is alright and she is coming here as soon as she can." she tried to calm him down. 
"What are you hiding from me?" Jon frowned. 
"The Queen said she'll be here soon and she is going to tell you everything. Just stay in bed," she answered. She clearly avoids looking at him. Jon had enough he stood up. "Please. She is already quite nervous I don't think she would be happy if you get up and..."
"What happened?" Jon stepped closer.
"I have no idea. That ... that is the truth." Nesera muttered. "She did not talk with me, just sent me to tell this to you."

Daenerys was in the map room. Daario entered with Tyrion and sat him down to a chair. His hands were tied. Dany did not even look at them. 
"Leave!" she ordered Daario. 
"But your Grace, forgive me, I don't think it is a wise decision to stay here alone with a traitor." 
"He is too little to hurt me." she made a face and turned to them. "If he tries I'll show him that how I deal with the sword." she placed her sword to the table. "Leave." she raised her eyes to Daario again. He nodded and stepped back. "Guard at the door," she added before he left them and then he closed the door. 
"Armor and sword" Tyrion stated quietly. "I wanted to suggest those things when I was your advisor," he added and swallowed. 
"I'd say surprising you didn't, but that would be a lie of course," she told him cynically. "You did everything to weaken me since the first moment and I was so fooled that I listened to you." 
"You still believe I was against you from the beginning." her words hurt him. He really supported her. He really wanted her to rule. He wanted her to be the greatest Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, until that day. 
"It doesn't matter what I think, only our actions matter," she answered.
"Why did you suggest we should meet with Quentyn Martell?" she cut him and stared his face. "That is another one of your wise plans?" she was staring at him with disgust in her face.
"I... I've told you already. Quentyn Martell can be an important ally and very useful to save the Stark sisters." he did not understand.
"Sure, and you had no idea he'll come up with a proposal to make this alliance. RIght?" she gave him an angry look. 

"What proposal?" Tyrion frowned
"It doesn't look good when you are playing the idiot. I know you better than that if you forget that." she made a face and rolled her eyes.
"I swear..."
"Do not swear anything for me" Dany warned her. "You did once, and your words mean nothing." 
"The Gods are my witnesses I am telling the truth," Tyrion answered. "I wanted the best for the Stark sisters, I wanted to help you to stop the thing that Bran became. Goodwill guided me." Tyrion answered.
"Goodwill? The same goodwill which guided you when you convinced the man I loved with all my heart to kill me?" she raised her voice.
"You've killed thousands of innocents!" Tyrion raised his voice. He had nothing to lose. Not anymore. 
"I did. And you decided my punishment was death. Death by the hands of the man who I loved. Would you please explain to me why would your sister deserve anything other than me?" she raised her brow "Because she is your sister?" she shrugged her shoulders. "Cercei Lannister killed just as many innocents as I did. The difference between us I feel remorse because of it and before I did that mistake, I saved the whole world from dead people. In case you forget that."
"She died." Tyrion lowered his head.
"She did. Not thanks to you." Dany answered. 

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