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"What happened?" Dany almost jumped up from the bed, even she was not in her best condition. Jon almost ripped out the door and entered into Dany's room. Missandei was still crying. Jon handed her to Dany. She was looking at him worriedly and frowned.
"Shhhh... everything is alright. I am sure your dad has a good explanation." Dany tried to make her calm down. Jon was walking up and down. He forgot for a minute, that she had that nausea. Sometimes when anger fills his body and mind... he can't control himself. He knew maybe he should've not stormed in ... that way. Dany was rocking Missandei, and slowly but she stopped crying. Dany was squeezing her close and staring Jon. She was angry with him. She did not understand, why he scared their daughter in that way. No matter what happened, first of all, he was a dad, and he usually acted that way. "Jon." Dany tried again, but he was standing in the middle of the room. In silence. Daenerys sat to the edge of the bed with Missandei in her arms. She wanted to stand up but she was afraid. She did not want to drop her ... she took a deep breath but hesitated. After some seconds Jon raised his eyes at her and finally, he noticed then walked there. Took Missandei from her arms, and raised her up. Gave a small kiss to her cheek. "I am sorry, baby." He whispered to her. "I did not want to scare you." he hugged her close. Dany still did not understand what is going on. She had no idea, and Jon did not say a word. He walked to the cradle with Missandei and placed her there.
"When you can stand up, and feeling better... we'll talk." he did not even look at her. He turned away and left the room. Daenerys was sitting on the edge of the bed. She was surprised... she felt a bit humiliated. She had no idea what was that.

Many hours passed. She did not want to tell to anyone, what happened. She was just laying on the bed and thinking. Waiting for him to ... come back. To say sorry. To... explain to her what happened. Sometimes a soldier entered to check everything is alright or not. She usually just nodded towards them.

"Can I come in?" Daario smiled at the door.
"Sure." Dany wiped a tear away from her eyes.
"How are you feeling?" he sat to the bed. Next to her.
"I am sure, it will be better. In a day or two. You don't have to worry about me." Dany answered. Daario placed his hand to her hand.
"You are my Queen. And ... no matter how you feel for me... you know how I feel for you... and yes, I am worried." he lowered his head and smiled a bit. "You can trust me. I understand if you can't trust others ... with all your heart but..."
"What happened?" Dany pulled her hand away and looked to Daario.
"Nothing." he acted innocently. "I just wanted you to know. You can tell me anything. I will always be your side."
"You better go," Daenerys told him calmly. She was sure something happened between Daario and Jon ... and instead of asking her he just freaked out.
"Do you need anything?"
"I want to be alone," she told him and turned her back at him. Daario stood up and walked out of the room. The moment when he left, Dany sat to the edge of the bed. She thought they are over those jealousy issues. She couldn't believe they are there again. She sighed, then stood up. She can't just lay there and do nothing. It was enough. It was not her. She was not that week. No matter she is pregnant or not.

"Sam that sounds ridiculous." they were sitting in a secluded room. "Now you told me the Lord Of Lights wanna sacrifice my daughter. They were... the Red Priestesses brought ... her back to life." he was still mad at her because she is hiding something from him. He was honest with her. He told her everything... about Liliyanna and he just has no secrets from her. And now... that news that Sam told him. That day is just getting worse and worse.
"I did not say that. It is just... you've told me they did child sacrifices in the past. They believe in the power of fire, and burning people alive... this gives them power. It is not sure of course, but... like... in my understanding, this is their plan. Sacrifice Missandei against Bran at the right time. This is how she can defeat the three-eyed raven." Sam explained.
"Nesera and Liliyanna are here to help. Sam. I..."
"Now there are two?" he frowned. "Two red priestesses in the castle? Isn't it weird for you? And ... and Kinvara, when I started to ask her about the rituals and burnt victims, she avoided to answer me. She wanted me to leave because... she told me if I can't open my mind, she can't help me. I asked Nesera too. About those things. She did not want to answer. It was clear, there is something chaotic in this situation... " Sam continued. "Of course I am not sure. I still have many questions and doubts but... keep your eyes open."
"Why you did not tell it to Daenerys?" Jon looked at him.
"Ahm... I... I... wanted to... "he stammered. "I wanted to tell you... first. You are calmer and..."
"Why the hell I have a feeling that everyone knows something that I don't know?" He jumped up from the chair and hit to the table. Sam took a deep breath. He never saw Jon in that mood. He was always hot-headed, but it was worse now. He seethed and he did not even try to hold himself back.
"You should talk to her. Calmly. She doesn't want to hurt you ... she is just unsure in herself. Not you. This has nothing against you." Sam needed to say something.
"So you just arrived back, and you already know it. Great!" He said in a sarcastic tone.
"My apologies." Liliyanna entered into the room where they were hiding.
"How..." Jon frowned. He did not understand how did she find them. Maybe she was eavesdropping at the door all time long?
"The Queen is looking for you. Everywhere." she lowered her head.
"She gets up from the bed?" Sam stood up. "She should've not..." Sam shook his head.
"It seems she did." Liliyanna nodded. "She doesn't look good."
"Okay, now one of you tell me what the hell is going on." Jon's eyes were on fire. He had enough. He felt everyone looks him the stupid one. The idiot one, and he had enough.
"I don't think it is us... who..." Sam tried.
"I don't care!" Jon shouted. His dragon side was clearly jumped out that day. "What is going on with Daenerys?" He walked to his friend and looked straight to his eyes. "What is she hiding from me?" he pushed his friend to the wall. He lost control.

"He did not leave the Pyramid. Did he?" Daenerys asked Grey Worm.
"We haven't seen anyone around the gates. Just... earlier. But ... not in the past few hours." he answered and kept his eyes on Daenerys. She was still weak and moved slowly.
"You did not... I have to ask, you two did not have a debate, right?" she was still trying to figure out what pissed Jon that much.
"I barely spoke with him today. Did he hurt you?" he immediately asked her back.
"No. No of course not. But something is ... something happened and..." Dany was thinking. "Maybe there is nothing. And I just... combined things." she sighed and tried to smile. "I better go back to Missandei," she stated and turned to leave. That moment Jon entered the hall and he did not say any word. He just grabbed her raised her up and kissed her. Kissed her with all his heart. With all his love. Everyone was surprised around them. They never did anything like this. Not in front of the others. Not in the middle of the hall, surrounded by soldiers. Liliyanna and Samwell arrived there too. They glanced at each other and smiled. Jon held her for minutes in this way, deep in their kiss.
"I think we did it right," Liliyanna whispered to Samwell with a huge grin on her face. Jon finally placed Dany back to the ground and their foreheads met.
"Why you did not tell me?" Jon almost cried.
"How?" Dany raised her eyes at him then turned to the side where Sam and Liliyanna standing. "They've told you?"
"Why you didn't?" Jon took a deep breath.
"We... should... "she looked around "go to a more quieter place." She mentioned.
Jon nodded and they walked to his chamber. In silence. He did not understand but he was happy from the bottom of hid heart.

Dany sighed and turned to him. They were staring at each other.
"So... now you know." Daenerys lowered her head "I am... pregnant." She say it loud but her voice was so thin.
"Since when do you know about it?" Jon asked after some hesitation.
"I was not sure. I knew it for a couple of days now but... I couldn't believe it. I wanted to talk with Sam. I wanted to know if it is even possible." She tried to explain.
"But you still don't tell me. Not after you've talked with him." He answered.
"No." She nodded but avoided to look at him.
"Why?" Jon shook his head and frowned.
"I... I... "
"You still have doubts in me? Dany?" This hurt him. He thought she meant her words. When she asked the others to trust him. She was standing there in silence.
"I love you." Jon continued "and I have no idea what else should I do to prove it. To get your trust back. I try. I just... you say you love me. You spend your nights with me. We are a family... or we used to be and still... you try to hide that pregnancy from me. From me who you share your life with. You have... you have no idea how it feels." Jon lowered his head. Daenerys was still in silence. "I know... now you wanna say I've stabbed you. I know. That will haunt me forever and... I am not even sure our ... love can ... " he stopped "I don't see we'll ever get over it. No matter how we try." He almost cried. "I'll never get your trust back." There was a tear in his eye. He took a deep breath. "You better have some rest. I... you know where you... find me if you... " he was hurt and honest. His worst fear was loosing her. Loosing them... his family but he can't do anything else. He loved her from the bottom of his heart but it seemed it still... not enough. He turned to leave.

"It is not that." Dany finally started to answer. "It is not because of it and... I meant my words. I trust you and I cannot imagine my life without you. I... put my trust in you again... and I never wanna talk about that day." She held her tears back.
"Then why you did not tell me?" Jon asked above his shoulder.
"Because I am scared. Okay?" She raised her voice "because I have doubts in myself. Because we can't even keep Missandei save and..."
"That is not a too good explanation." Jon raised his eyebrow. "All parents have doubts. And hiding that thing from me is just makes things worst. And you know that." He was calm.
"I knew you want it. I knew you'll be happy about it." She started to cry.
"Of course I am." Jon spread his arms. "You are my love. Who else should I want a family with?" He shook his head.
"What if I won't survive?" She looked at his face. "The labor. What if I die? Maybe you forget how it happened with Missandei but I did not." There were so much worry in her eyes and Jon finally understand it. She tried to hide her weakness. Not just from him. From everyone. She was scared... and she was never scared... or at least she never showed it to anyone. He was staring at her beautiful face and stepped closer. Held her close in his arms. She was right he did not think about that. The thought of loosing her was not an option...

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