Nine || Broken

174 23 8

A/N: Double update. Sorry Y/n :(((

I go back to the copier, with an actual reason today. I'm still just as tense as I was the week before. Except now Chan-woo is telling everyone in the office about his conquests over his girlfriend, not just me. It's even more disgusting.

A tap on the glass door of the department entrance shakes me out of my thoughts. A woman is tapping to get my attention. Her face is desperate, but still breathtakingly beautiful. Of course I open the door for her. I love her.


"Have you seen Chan-woo? I need to talk to him." Her voice is tight.

My heart clenches, preparing for another stab right into it. I haven't even been at work for half a day. I don't know how much longer I'll be able to take so much pain this early in the morning.

"He's in here somewhere." Probably drinking coffee and talking about your body, I think.

"Can you get him for me? I need to talk to him." Her voice is shaky now. I can see the tears swimming in her eyes. 

"Did something happen?" I know I shouldn't ask, but I can't help but worry about her. I reach out to touch her arm but stop myself before my fingers brush her skin. 

She looks away from me and crosses her arms defensively. Something happened. "Can you just get Chan-woo for me?" 

My brow is furrowed and my lips are slightly parted in concern. But I listen to her and call out to her stupid boyfriend. He looks around the corner with a smile. The laugh on his face disappears when he sees his now crying girlfriend. He drops his still full coffee cup in the trash and jogs over to meet her. I leave to give them privacy. When I look back, he's holding onto her hands and she's trying to pull away from him. She leaves and he follows her, both of them rushing to the elevator. 

A strong pull in my heart begs me to follow and make sure she's okay. I'm sure the worry is showing on my face. I'm so worried for her. What could've happened to make her pull away from him? He's perfect to her. 


"Park," someone calls to me. 

I look up at him. It's now the end of the day and neither Chan-woo or Y/n have made a reappearance. I have a slight headache from my spinning thoughts. 

"What's up?" I ask, trying to mask the worry in my voice. 

"You staying late again?" 

I look to the doorway. The pull in my heart from earlier returns. What if she needs me? 

I shake my head in response. "I was just packing up to leave. I have to rush out." 

"Got plans?" 

My brow furrows and I shake my head again. 

"Cool. Want to go out for drinks? Chan-woo said he would meet us there." 

He's going to go drinking after he wouldn't come back to work? Was it not very serious? I'm confused. 

I shake my head yet again. "No, I'm okay. I have some stuff to do at home." 

"Oh, come on, Jimin," someone else says playfully. I look at him. His hair is dyed, no, bleached blonde. He has a kind smile on his face. He called me by my first name. "Come with us. It'll be fun. You don't have to stay long. It'll take your mind off of that dramatic scene from earlier." All the men laugh at that. 

The lightness of his personality reminds me of her. I want to go, for the first time. I return the smile, but it's much smaller than his. "Alright. Only for a few drinks." 

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